
Wednesday, November 12, 2014


This morning, I woke up tired and supremely grumpy. In the teaching profession, you cannot sneak into a cubicle and escape human contact. (Granted, on most days, I love this aspect of the job.) And then my third period walked in. That group of students amuses me Today, they outdid themselves. One kid told another kid (all in jest) that he looks like a chicken tender, another kid created a comic strip in which he added some bonus pictures for me (a goldfish, Nemo, and a sloth), several of us looked up pictures of sloths with human teeth, another kid is so tall that he couldn't fit under the desk during our duck, cover, and hold drill, and five kids sided with me when my intern got into a heated debate. I argued that Tiny Tim looks like a crossbreed between Weird Al Yankovic and Russell Brand.

Then, in each of my two AP classes (juniors), students thanked me for a good lesson today. I have no idea if they know how much those little thank you's brightened my day, but I plan to save them for another grumpy day.  

Thank you to my students for reminding me why I love teaching so much and turning my day around for the better. What bright, funny, sweet human beings. They make the adults of the world look like total chumps. 

The Look:
Sweater: Target
Scarf (crumb catcher): Made by my Momma
Skirt: Francesca's (this thing has seriously made its rounds)
Booties (new with thredUP money!): Crown Vintage via DSW (exact--they are comfy!)

Want more of this skirt?

Linking up again for the first time in a long time with The Pleated Poppy

Monday, November 10, 2014

I'll make you feel better.

Take a good, long look at my blazer, its color so reminiscent of Pepto Bismol that it will surely cure all of your maladies. This morning, I wondered whether or not the blazer screamed pink so loudly that I should sloooowly return it to the closet and replace it with its cobalt brother. I chose to wear it loudly and proudly. Luckily for this blazer, I received so many compliments on it that I decided it makes people feel joy, not blind. 

This past weekend, Dad and I spent two days planning out and buying materials for my master closet. We finally came up with a game plan. I now need to stain the pieces he had a chance to cut. One day this week, he'll come back so that we can finish what we started. (Don't worry. I will take pictures and overshare with you.) If only the weekend lasted juuuust a bit longer. However, the fact that I saw my brother, my niece, my sister-in-law (not my brother's wife, but my husband's sister), my nephew, and my dad leaves me feeling ready to take this week by the hand and frolic my way to next weekend.  

The Look:
Blazer: NY & Co. (old) // similar 1 // Blush Version
Pants: Express // exact
Sweater (that you can barely see): The Limited
Scarf: Gap via thredUP // similar
Heels: J.Crew Factory Sylvia wedge // exact

 Please enjoy this picture of my fur babies enjoying their bed made of leaves.

 Also, two weeks later, after six coats of paint on the ceiling and three coats of paint on the walls/trim, our master bedroom is no longer blue. (Okay, one of the closets is still blue, but I need a break from the madness.) We now have cove moulding (similar to but a bit different from crown moulding), gray walls, and CURTAINS (no more nakedness for the backyard to see). I still need matching lampshades, a suitable dresser, a comforter that properly fits the bed, and an actual headboard, but progress is all I seek at this point.  

Thursday, November 6, 2014


For quite some time now, I have hunted for khaki pants that do not make me feel like a Target employee. Granted, Target is the place of dreams and I know it better than my new house, so that wouldn't be terrible; however, my job eats up the majority of my life. I do not need another place of employment, but I digress.

As I began pulling curtains and clothes I piled (seemingly at random) in a laundry basket I never used during that entire year of living in an apartment, I found a short-sleeved, black button up, one of the several items on my clothing wishlist. Whaaaat? I found a dress I felt forlorn about because I thought I donated it. Hello, cute dress! We meet again! At the very bottom of the pile, I found these pants. They fit like a dream. I know the cuff came a bit undone near my heel, which means I must have placed them in the basket as a reminder to fix the cuff, but I clearly disregarded this reminder.

I wore them all day without a problem, but I do plan to fix the cuff before wearing them again.

It was like an early Christmas. I got my khaki pants without having to spend a dime. Maybe I should go play the lottery on this luck?

The Look:
Necklace: J.Crew Factory
Button up: LOFT (very similar)
Cardigan: Target (exact)
Burgundy heels: Aerosoles (exact on sale)
Pants: The Limited (they're Drew cut, but they fit like the Exact Stretch!)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Too much time

Last night, I chose an outfit for today, and did I go with that outfit? Not at all. Instead, I spent too much time in my closet thinking and rethinking my outfit. And for what? We are off of school for Election Day, so my outfit only matters for graduate class and errands. Anyway, last time I put on too many layers and nearly fell into a sweaty heap in Target. I am not choosing that same path today. Vest and a lighter sweater it is. At this point, I would rather freeze than sweat. Who's with me? 

The Look:
Sweater: Target
Pants: Gap
Boots: b.o.c via DSW
Vest: Under Armor
Scarf: Calvin Klein via DSW

Monday, November 3, 2014


When I saw Ginny in her knee socks and Brynn in hers, I knew I had to break mine out for the season, and 40 degree weather seemed an appropriate time. What is it about socks peering over the top of boots that I love so much? I wish I knew. However, my mind is quite the enigma, even to me. Maybe it channels the likes of the ladies from Clueless, one of my favorite 90s movies? Who knows. Anyway, I piled on the layers this morning because we have professional development, which means I won't have 30 hot-breathed teenagers warming up my room.

The Look:
Cardigan: Express (last year)
Button up: Old Navy 
Jeans: The Limited
Boots: Etienne Aigner via Macy's several years ago
Boot socks: Simply Vera via Kohl's (Momma bought them for me.)