
Friday, February 28, 2014

Preppy with Puppies & Trendy Tuesday Announcement

What will brighten your Friday more than my face? I'll tell you: my parents' puppies. Although Rudy magically found a way to poop on top of his crate, and they both love rasorially digging at the crotch of my pants, I submit to their cuteness. Let's be honest: my outfit is cute, but these pups are cuter.

(Note: rasorial means "characterized by scratching at the ground, especially for food." I told you that I'd throw some vocabulary your way every day.)

As for next Tuesday, the theme, as chosen by one of the best-dressed males in our building, is "Gingham and Cords." Now, do remember that Trendy Tuesday's "rules" are very loose. You can choose gingham and cords, or you can wear just one of the two. We try to leave enough room for everyone to find a way to participate.

Here is what gingham looks like. I'm already cooking up some ideas. Depending on the weather, I'll probably stick with just gingham, but maybe I'll double up. Who knows!? It's anyone's guess.

This morning, my co-teacher and I taught our first and second periods in the computer lab. While I was down there, I drank from a water bottle that I thought was mine; however, when I returned to the classroom at the beginning of third period, I saw that my water bottle was still on my desk. "OH NO!" I internally exclaimed. Okay, okay, if I'm being honest, I really thought, "Oh, shit. WHOSE water bottle was that? What if I drank from a kid's water bottle? Ewww, what if they have scabies? Oh my gosh, I'm doing to die." Because, you know, that's how normal people think. Later, I told my co-teacher who informed me that she was pretty sure that water bottle was hers. Man, what a relief. I almost ate soap.

Sammy is the one with perked up ears (on the right). 
Rudy is the squirmy one on the left.

The Look:
Blazer: New York and Company--similar
Shirt: Tommy Hilfiger outlet (does anyone shop there still? Well, I do.)--similar
Belt: "vintage" (it's Mom's from back in the day)--similar
Jeans: The Limited--same?
Flats: Rock and Republic via Kohl's--similar

You cannot see my face, but you can see theirs, so this picture is worth it.

I call this my "if Paris Hilton actually wore clothes and were being stalked by the paparazzi who couldn't believe she was wearing clothes" picture.

I considered a necklace or something, but I decided to keep it simple.
I just like the color palette here.

Clearly, I said something so witty that I rocked my head back in amusement.

What? You didn't think I'd deliver a normal picture?

I also wore the flats this way...

And here are some gingham looks for you...
(Look! There's the red belt again!)

Also, I am wearing gingham and cords in this last picture. I have a "cold weather" idea for Tuesday!

Linking up with

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Google+, you make me vertiginous. (And I rhymed.)

I hunted for a long time to find the "perfect" floral skirt, which is why I paid full price ($36) when I found this one at Francesca's. I am in love with the colors, the length does not make me feel like a hoochie at work, and I think it works perfectly for colder months (thank you, navy background) and warmer months (hello, brightly colored flowers). Of course, this skirt screams "WEAR ME!" so loudly and proudly that I would pay no mind to the season. Just give me my tights. 

Yes, I wore these booties again. Can you blame a girl? Well, you could, but I would ignore you.

Is anyone else beginning to resent her boots? I look at those little buttholes (WHY does autocorrect keep trying to turn that word into "buttonholes?!") and think, "Sure, you're pretty, but I'm getting sick of your faces. I miss my flats. I miss my feet. I haven't painted my toes in months because if I am going to waste my time, it will be spent filling three online shopping carts at once without buying anything. It will not be spent painting my toes that never see the light of day. 

As I look at these pictures, I realize I should have worn a scarf or a necklace. Meh, whatever. Let's allow the skirt to do the talking. Shall we?

The Look:
Sweater: J.Crew Factory (I can't believe I typed that. Here is the exact one.)
Skirt: Francesca's (how pretty is this one?)
Tights: Simply Vera via Kohl's (mom bought 'em!)
Booties: Ninewest via Piperlime (size 6.5 left)
Jacket: Wilson's Leather outlet

I am beginning to feel like my posts are just not the same without at least one ridiculous candid shot. Could I compile them all into an "outtakes" post. Sure. However, I need to pour a little sunshine into your life in every single post

Mom asked me to take off my coat to showcase my pretty sweater, and I was none too pleased. Aren't moms supposed to tell you to put your damn jacket back on, not take it off? THANKS, MOM.

Also, can we talk about the creepiness that is Google+ for a moment? 
I want to know why Google+ thinks I wish for a flip-book-style picture of myself.
And why did it choose only two pictures? 
I do not understand how this picture selection process works.
It's making me vertiginous
(It means dizzy.)


Linking up with


P.S. I am completely confused by this. Seriously, I want to know who comes up with this crazy shit? (Forgive the language, but I felt it necessary.)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Foliage Inspired?

What if every one of my post titles just includes a random vocabulary word? Yesterday's was "profundity." (Aside: say that word aloud. You cannot help but smile because the word FUN is inside of it.) How do you like today's? Foliage. I like that word. It starts with an F, just like fun. 

Speaking of the letter F, can I just tell all of you how fantastic you are for your kind comments on yesterday's post? I particularly like what Andi said: "Just because something isn't super deep doesn't mean it's not valuable." Right on, Andi. Right on. We often say how trivial certain things are, but isn't it the small things that often make the greatest difference?

Also, my co-teacher is just tickled that multiple people outside of our building are participating in Trendy Tuesday. I showed her my Instagram feed, and she declared, "We're going GLOBAL!" Gosh, I adore that woman. We're still dreaming up ideas for next week's theme. Feel free to throw your suggestions at us! Just remember that it must be a theme in which both guys and gals can participate. Our most avid male participant was so sad that he couldn't participate in person today. As a result, he e-mailed this video to me: Rapping Irish Craziness (I gave it that name. Surprised? Probably not.)

The Look:
Cardigan: The Limited (same)
Pants: Columnist Pant in Slim Cut (same)
Boots: b.o.c. via DSW
Scarf: Gift from a student (ummm...sort of close?)
Lace shirt: The Limited 

I'm not on drugs though my squinty eyes might suggest otherwise. 
I guess I really needed those shades. 

Of course, this picture might have you believing otherwise.
Yes, I am naturally that sexy.

Yeah, you're welcome.

Linking up with

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Trendy Tuesday & Some Profundity

Every now and then, someone's comment forces me to rethink this blog of mine. Today, I got to thinking this: why are my life and worth (seemingly) measured by how many "deep" conversations I have with people? Why must I be vain if I talk about clothes? I teach teenagers about theme, discuss my grand educational plans with my co-teacher (and anyone who will listen), converse with my parents about ethical dilemmas, and actually talk about crap that matters with people who matter, but not all of the time. How much deeper does the world want me to dig into life?

Sometimes, I like to scratch at only the surface because that's what my brain can handle for the moment. I know that consistently talking about clothes is vain, but if Trendy Tuesday unifies my colleagues and me, I make friends/solidify bonds over mall outings and fashion discussions, and I meet wonderful friends through this personal style blog of mine, how much vanity can I attribute to what I consider this creative venture of mine? Must all of my conversations and interactions be profound? Can my interactions about clothing be profound in their ability to bond me with another human being? (Yes.) Can the creativity that clothing inspires within me be profound? (Yes.)

I befriend the staff at clothing stores. We chat about our lives. I sincerely tell ladies how beautiful an article of clothing makes her look if we step out of the dressing room at the same time. And, when I come here to this corner of the cyber world, I consciously strive to present myself as I am and to make you all smile and/or giggle. When I comment on your blog, I do so because I genuinely want to, not because I feel obligated to comment. I think long and hard about the comments I post and the content I provide here, and I think many (can I say most?) bloggers do. 

Of course, when all is said and done, I do not want people to remember me for what I look like in my clothes. I want people to remember how I made them feel in my presence. 

The Look:
Pants: Old Navy (exact)
Boots: White Mountain? Not so sure. (similar)
Shirt: Old Navy (I like this pink and white one.)
Sleeveless Cardigan: Gap Outlet (I looked but couldn't find anything.)
Belt: New York & Co. (cute)

 I must end on a light note. Look at that chunk of hair just waving aimlessly in the breeze.
Additionally, I match the bird feeder in the distance. 

I've also worn the shirt this way...

And the pants this way...

And the sleeveless cardigan these ways...


Linking up with


Monday, February 24, 2014

Better than Pajamas

Do not forget that tomorrow's Trendy Tuesday theme is "Give Your Trendy Tuesday the Boot," which means you need to don a pair of boots. I am actually unearthing a pair that I have yet to wear this winter! Of course, once you see them, you will wonder why I neglected them for so long. If you participate in Trendy Tuesday on your blog, leave me a comment or send me an e-mail ( that you participated! I would love to see your Trendy Tuesday in action. If you can participate only on Instagram, add me (@likewo) and hashtag that ish (#trendytuesday). I'll surely send some love your way.

Today's outfit does a lot of talking. It might be one of my favorites. It's a maxi skirt meets a flannel shirt. Umm, I couldn't sneak any closer to wearing pajamas without actually wearing pajamas. The flannel shirt is a recent J.Crew (*GASP*) purchase. Hanging all by itself in my size, 40% off, and a teacher's discount on top of that? $25 later and this bad boy had to come home with me. I mean, come on, I have bottoms (or shoes) in EVERY color of this shirt. Plus, the husband convinced me to buy it. When he approves of a purchase, it is most definitely worthy.

OH, and even crazier? He loves the dude stuff at J.Crew. As he strutted around the store in his grease-covered jeans and Old Navy Iron Man shirt, he picked out some of the most dashing items in J.Crew. There might be hope for him yet. (I am still not sure I can trust him wearing such pretty things without killing them, but baby steps have been made.) Hey, at least he evolved from the Italian Stallion shirt? Okay, I threw away the shirt. A dude reaches a certain age when shirts like that just need to die a fiery death. Call me a spirit crusher, if you will.

The Look:
Necklace: gift (from Momma, duh)
Shirt: J.Crew (I can't believe I'm typing that.)
Skirt: American Eagle Outfitters outlet
Belt: Came with a skirt
Sunglasses: gift (from Momma--I know they're LOFT)

I also wore the skirt these ways:

(LOOK! I broke out of the black, white, and maroon color scheme!)

Linking up with 


Friday, February 21, 2014

Style Swap with Lauren (and Trendy Tuesday Announcement)

This style swap might technically be cheating because I picked out Lauren's outfit based on clothes I knew she had. (Blogging is a fancy word for "legalized stalking.") Anyway, Lauren wanted me to wear my mustard blazer. She suggested a cute outfit, but it was a horrific failure on my part. I couldn't make it work. I am purple + mustard deficient (Kate thinks I'm crazy), and I can not pattern mix like Ginny. Since I knew Lauren liked my mustard blazer, and I loved how the outfit I picked for her looked, I snagged it for myself. Who knew a blue and white striped shirt could be so versatile? 
Okay, everyone knew it. Whatever.

My issue is that I'm not wearing a necklace, and it bothers me. Don't worry. I remedied the problem after I saw the pictures. 

I plan to recreate this outfit with white skinny jeans. I just realized that Lauren wanted me to wear my white skinny pants, but it was too cold for heels. I totally could have worn these boots with my white jeans. Where is my brain?

One of my favorite friends who shares my passion for fashion is turning 30 today. I love you, Amy! In middle school, Amy and I bought matching olive green velvet blazers. We both wish they still existed because we would totally rock them. For the past two Thanksgivings, when she came down from Boston, we went out for normal Black Friday shopping. This year, we're thinking about visiting a cute, fun, downtown shopping area. I'm pretty fond of this tradition we've got going for us.

Tomorrow is Momma duke's birthday, so feel free to send her some love in the comments. She reads my blog :) Oh, and I'm taking her for a massage tomorrow because I know she won't buy them for herself, and I know she won't go unless I'm getting one, too. Thank you for being such a beautiful person. Thanks in large part to you, I am comfortable in my own skin. I love you, Momma. 

The Look:
Blazer: Vince Camuto via Nordstrom
Jeans: The Limited
Boots: Steve Madden
Belt: New York & Co.
Shirt: H&M

I also wore my mustard blazer this way...and other ways that never
made it to the blog. Oops.

Linking up with


TRENDY TUESDAY (2/25): Boots
In honor of one of our male colleagues who wears his cowboy boots quite often, we chose this theme for him because he always wants to participate in Trendy Tuesday but doesn't think he "can." 
Here's to you, my favorite math teacher. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

If you need a laugh, please meet my face.

On more than one occasion, my students have told me that I should be a stand-up comedian. While I appreciate their kindness, I do not know how fruitful that would be seeing as how only teenagers, an understandably not-so-wealthy lot of humans, would fill the gymnasium. (I say gymnasium because, if I'm being honest with myself, I know that's the best venue I could score.) Of course, I might make just as much.

Other times, while the class quietly works and I charge forth in my daily battle with technology that hates me or begin reading a shamefully, crappily written essay, at least one student's gaze lands on my countenance. I hear muffled giggles, look up, and find one student nudging another and pointing to me. I know something is not on my face because I've checked it in Photo Booth before--what!? Don't you judge me. I say, "what? Can I help you?" And they usually admit that my facial expression elicited their laughter. I can't help having an expressive face. When a student says something outlandishly INSANE, my face tells the story that my words cannot...since I like my job and prefer to keep it. All I've got left is my face. I now know not to ask "what?" I just say, "is my face showing my thoughts again?"

I tell you this story because today's set of pictures features a series of absolute ridiculousness. Fret not. Some of the images are pinnable.

I'll start with the normal ones.

The Look:
Cardigan: Target (a comfy and similar looking one at Asos)
White shirt: Target
Scarf: Gift from husband :) (it's from Asos--similar)
Pants: Exact Stretch Skinny from The Limited (same)
Shoes: TWENTY dollars at DSW (down from $100+) Boom. (similar)

You absolutely needed a close up of this gorgeous scarf.

Here's where shit gets weird. Forgive my language.
Just be glad I usually censor my mouth (er, fingers?) on the blog.

A ballet move?

I was trying to break that stupid thread in my butt pockets.
Mom documented it. Thanks, Mom.

Aaaaaaaaand my personal favorite:
Seriously, I shouldn't be laughing so hard at myself because it's just pathetic, but how can I not?
I look like I'm pooping, but the thread-fighting battle continues. 

I'm sorry for the people who wind up here from a link up, 
but here I am. I hope I amused you during your stay.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I pinned that ish and I did that ish.

Okay, I'd say I'm a total weirdo for having a Color Combinations board on Pinterest, but I guess my 275 followers would have to disagree. It is no secret that I love color, and it inspires me. When I browse blogs I like, I pay close attention to the colors of outfits. What do I have that works within the palette that so immediately caught my eye? This pin in particular made me realize two things: one, my favorite color is blue, which I will probably change next week; two, I would like a shorter camel-colored cardigan.

When I went into Banana Republic to return an online order recently, the very well-dressed salesman and I had a nice little chat about how much we love the color blue. He exclaimed, "I know! I love blue. I especially love blue and brown together. One day, I wore black instead of brown, and it just didn't feel right." I think I made a best friend for life. It's a good thing his place of employment is a quick jaunt down the street. (Okay, a quick jaunt in a car, but that's no matter.)

I hope you're in love with this color combination as much as I am. YES, I am obsessed with cobalt blue. Since my Mom takes my pictures, I usually go to her house for the pictures. When I walked upstairs in this outfit, Dad's first response was, "I really like the color of that dress." Good taste, Daddy dearest, good taste.

The Look:
Dress: via Kohl's
Belt & Scarf: Francesca's
Cardigan: Old Navy
Tights: The Limited
Booties: Nine West via Piperlime

Can we talk about these boots for a hot second? I loved them at first internet site. (I kill myself with the pun there.) I found them on Piperlime, but they're no longer there. However, here they are for FORTY-ONE DOLLARS. Go get you a pair. (Of boots...not the other thing.)

Aaaaand because I like to make you smile, please enjoy my large, cheesy smile.
And disappearing eyes.

Funny student moment of the day:
Me: He so kindly offered to bequeath you two pages of the messenger's character so that you can read.
Student: Bequeef? 
Me: Oh my, no, not bequeef. That's a different beast entirely.

...aaaaand then we all proceeded to wet our pants laughing.

Let's end this post the right way with some other inspiration for your camel-colored cardigan.
1. With a maxi skirt
2. In a neutral outfit
3. Over a plaid shirt

Linking up with
Danielle for Many Days, Many Ways
Shanna for Random Wednesdays
Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesdays