
Monday, February 10, 2014

Red, White, and Plaid (and hooray for a link up!)

Some pretty ladies and I are hosting a themed link up this week. Gather your red and your pink for a week of Valentine's Day celebrations. Link up your delicious cuisines, your snazzy sartorial creations, or your home decor (which I will drool over as I sit within my crappily-painted apartment walls). I do hope you'll join us for one day (OR ALL!). Look, I'm even starting off the week in my red pants.

This navy blazer is perfect, the knees of these pants are too wrinkly, this belt is almost 15 years old (vintage?), these boots are my favorite pair, and this flannel is just the right length. 

The Look:
Blazer: The Gap (a gift from Mom)
Pants: Candie's via Kohl's
Boots: Franco Sarto via Marshall's
Flannel: Old Navy
Belt: OLD American Eagle 


I'm also linking up with



  1. Hi. I am Ada. I have actually seen your blog a time or two (or more LOL) before but my first time commenting. I am happy all 6 of you are having this link up. I will try to link up as often as possible. I love Red+Pink. I haven't been able to pull many Outfits together due to being sick but we will see LOL.

    Your Outfit is so cute. Great way to jazz up a Plaid Shirt. Loving the Navy Blazer and one is on my Must-Buy list.

    Now, I am inviting you over my blog. Hopefully you like my style and you support me as well by following. Thanks, Ada. =)

  2. Love the navy blazer and red pants! Very cute outfit, im also wearing plaid for my outfit this week :)
    Ms Dee Kay

  3. This is a great look! Love the blazer with the plaid. I'm following you via GFC. I'd love for you to pop over to my blog, follow and linkup... I host a Sunday linkup!
    Excited to get to know you!

  4. Ok, this outfit is right up my alley! I love everything about it! You can never go wrong with a blazer, plaid and red jeans. Soooooo cute!

  5. Such a cute outfit! So fun you girls are doing this, I wish I'd had a enough red to participate.

  6. I love that you guys are doing this! Hopefully I will be able to link up later in the week!

    I love those pretty red pants and I love that you paired it with plaid. So cute!

  7. So. Stinkin'. Cute. I love this outfit on you, Danielle! It's a perfect way of mixing navy and red without looking too 'Murrica, y'know? I love the cognac boots and belt together as well - super cute!!

  8. OMG, I love every single part of this outfit, including your adorable hair!! I went crazy for plaid this season, and I especially love the colors on your plaid shirt!

    Enter our blog design giveaway!

  9. This outfit is super cute! I have the same problem with wrinkly knees on my skinny jeans. I always tell myself that probably no one else will notice!

  10. I wouldn't have noticed about your knees! I love this outfit, the red looks great with your cognac boots!

  11. Hey Girl! New follower coming over from Funday Monday Link-Up! You had me at your intro--love the rhyming!! And this outfit is adorable--can't go wrong with plaid :) I am super excited to see more of your site.


  12. This is just perfect. The combination of the red jeans, plaid top and navy blazer is amazing! I've been meaning to dress up a plaid top with a blazer. Hmmm I should get on that.

  13. I wish I could do red pants. This shade is perfect. Not too bold. And they go great with the flannel-- which i ADORE!

    Kate @ A Journey in Style

  14. Ohhh I love this! I SO want some red pants, navy blazer, oh and a flannel shirt like that. Pretty much I just want this entire outfit. I read somewhere that something is considered vintage if it is 20 years old or more (I guess that makes US vintage :O), so in only 5 years, you'll have your very own "vintage" belt! Ha!

  15. This is so preppie and pretty. Love everything about it.

  16. Danielle!! This outfit is AMAZING!! It has everything I love: great boots, plaid, blazer, and colored pants. I wish I had a navy blazer so I could copy this! I think you've given me an idea for an outfit tomorrow...
    Does burgundy count as red or pink for your link up? I hope so because I haven't worn much lately!

  17. Love the English country side flair you have going on there.. what's missing is a Range Rover, a couple of dogs and you are set ;)

    Mrs Jack Of All Trades
    Dubai, UAE

  18. This look is so darn cute! I just love the entire combination! Thanks for linking up again this week!
    Fizz and Frosting

  19. The dress is so cute ! I love the stripe Shirt. The red pant also good. Overall super combination. Thanks for sharing.

    Funny T-Shirts

  20. Great outfit and color combination! It would be perfect for Presidents' Day, too. Our school has red, white, and blue day on Tuesday next week.


Feel free to throw some witticisms my way.