
Monday, February 4, 2013

Orange & Blue Plaid

Guys, I bought a fur vest, but the husband nixed it. I was really leery about whether or not I could pull off the trend. I bought this one at Marshall's for $39. I thought it might be too much for my small frame (it was a lot of fur),  so I tried it on in front of Jeff. He didn't even take a breath before telling me, "No. It's not you. It's that thing. It's so big. Like a wooly mammoth." Back to the store it will go. That's fine because I can use that money toward something that we'll both like better :)

However, another purchase went much better for me. I love me some flannel, especially when it comes in such lovely, bright colors! I wore this little ensemble to a friend's baby shower this weekend. It was between this outfit and another one; I let Jeff choose which one. He said, "That one. It's bright. I like it." Ah, a man after my own heart. He loves bright stuff as much as I do. (Our shoes matched today. Not kidding.)

I thought a leather jacket completed the look. No?

I stole his glasses again.
My necklace is a little bicycle and so are my earrings :)

It's so good to be blonde again.

What's up, wind and weird octopus hair? 

Outfit Deets:
Blazer: J.Lo via Kohl's (exact for $24)
Shirt: Old Navy (exact for $25)
Jeans: Uniqlo (like a year or two old)
Blue flats: Jessica Simpson via Marshall's (these are cute!)
Jacket: Wilson's Leather (similar)
Sunglasses: Nordstrom (pretty sure these are the exact ones)

Oh, and I also wore the blazer this way, too.

Today, I'm linking up with Molly and some other lovely ladies. 


  1. I think my husband would nix a fur vest too... But Id love to get my hands on one. :) Coming from #yolomondays

  2. you look so pretty in both looks actually! that leather coat is drool worthy :)

    C's Evolution of Style

  3. I love this look. I really would love that leather jacket too :) Oh, and I think you look great in that fur vest. I want one too, but I know the husband will think I've lost my mind!

  4. This is such a great look! I like it very much.


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