
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Like Father Like Daughter

Anyone who has spent any length of time reading my posts knows full well that I frequently discuss awkward, inappropriate topics like poop, inner thigh sweat, and nose goblins. After I posted a picture of my dad's "artwork" on Instagram and Facebook, one of my colleagues said it best: "I'm beginning to understand."

You see, if my husband and I leave for the weekend, my dad usually becomes doggy daycare daddy. My dad is NOT someone you want in your home alone. Not because he will rob you of your valuables. Not because he will throw a rager of a party and leave your abode littered with beer cans and frat boy vomit. Not because your dogs will be worm food by the time you arrive home. But because he will leave dog crap in your toilet (complete with chunks of dirt and grass), he will tape your toilet paper rolls shut, and he will leave notes all over your apartment for you and your husband. The ones for you will be sweet with hearts and smiley faces. The ones for your husband will have expertly drawn pictures of penises or middle fingers. One of these notes, which features a middle finger shaped like a penis, will be on the outside of a box that you must return to another person.

Now you know why I have no boundaries and why I rarely (if ever) feel embarrassed.

Anyway, since the LOFT gift card giveaway ends tomorrow, I thought I would show you some of my favorite outfits that feature LOFT pieces.

Yep, I love LOFT. 


  1. I. AM. DYING. Okay, now that I know more of the story behind your Instagram photo, I am 100% more convinced that I need to meet you (and your fam!). HILARIOUS. My dad would probably do equally ridiculous things - he's one of the funniest people I know. Just as you and I would be fast friends, so would our papas.

  2. LOL - My dad is so completely the opposite of yours! I wouldn't have any idea how to react if he did those things! :-)

    And I REALLY REALLY want to win that gift card. So put in a good word for me or something.

  3. ACK all the wonderful LOFT things in one place!

  4. Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Your dad sounds like a mess! This blog just gets better and better.

  5. Hahahah I wasn't sure if your dad didn't like Jeff or if that is just his sense of humor. I find it hilarious that you guys are so similar in your fascination with body parts and excrement. I love it.

    That scallop pencil skirt looks totally different in both colors. Which picture better represents the true color?

  6. I have nominated you for a Liebster Award, have a wee look at my page for all the information!

  7. Haha this is so funny! My dad is a jokester too, but he hasn't gone as far as dog poop in the toilet (yet). I do remember one time we were young he taped mustaches to all his pictures around the house!

  8. I thought this post was going to go in an entirely different direction, namely, seeing a picture of your father in a pink blazer. Maybe some other day, ha. Love that scalloped skirt!

  9. Your dad sounds like an absolute blast! And the scalloped skirt is amazing :)


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