
Monday, March 31, 2014

Pinned that ish and did that ish

So, I pinned this image that features two of my favorite fashionistas, Kendi and Audrey. I decided that I really liked the black/white, rust, and camel color combination. I probably should have gone for a darker wash black jean, but I cannot say it overly concerns me. Also, I tried on wide leg jeans at first, but I needed skinny jeans so that I could wear boots in the mucky weather this morning, which, as you can see, turned to 64 degree bliss this afternoon. Maryland, I don't understand you, but I love you anyway. Because of the weather conditions, I combined the exact colors of Kendi's outfit with the silhouette of Audrey's outfit. Plus, in true Danielle form, I added a belt. I do love my tucked in shirts and belts. 

In tenth grade today, students read an article from 1964 about Kitty Genovese entitled "Thirty Eight Saw Murder and Didn't Call Police." The kids were appalled that good people did nothing while this woman cried out for help as an attacker murdered her, coming back for her several times. Tomorrow, after watching this clip from the beginning of Boondock Saints, students are going to debate the following topic: Is the indifference of good men the greatest of all evils? At the end of the day, one of my more rambunctious students said, "That's a really good topic. I like it a lot." He also loves Boondock Saints. Win. 

In eleventh grade today, my students read an essay by Amy Tan called "Mother Tongue." Several students said how much they enjoyed the essay. One student remarked, "I can really identify with this essay." 

Guys, moments like these just define a day in the best of ways. 

The sun didn't come out tomorrow because IT CAME OUT TODAY. 


Anyway, tomorrow is Rock and Roll themed for Trendy Tuesday. Are you in?

The Look
Scarf: Made by Momma, of course! (here is a brighter orange infinity scarf from Target.)
Shirt: New York & Co. last year (It's not really lace but a lace print. Cool, huh? )
Belt: new from The Limited (I was looking for a belt just like this, and I bought it half off!)
Cardigan: Old Navy (recent--exact)
Boots: b.o.c. via DSW
Sunglasses: LOFT (Mrs. Claus bought them for me for Christmas.)

I like allowing wildlife to photobomb. I didn't think you'd mind.

Meet Jeff's shadow and Squirt's noggin'. 

Linking up with
* The Style Record (
* Mix it Mondays (

I also wore the scarf this way...

The longer, boyfriend version of the cardigan this way...

The top this way...

And the top this way...

Friday, March 28, 2014

Rock and Roll

If we handed out awards for best Trendy Tuesday attire, one of the women in my department would have won this week for "Un-Anything." She wore pigtails (unattractive), an untucked flannel shirt, and carried around a fake cigarette (unprofessional). She killed it this week, so I told her to pick next week's theme. I like them more and more every week. Next week's theme is ROCK AND ROLL.

In honor of next week's theme, I'm showing you one of my recent (and most favorite) weekend outfits featuring some distressed ROCKSTAR jeans (how appropriate), which I consider very rock and roll. Yes, let those good times roll.

If you're at all curious what kind of e-mails I send to my colleagues about Trendy Tuesday, here is next week's:

Good afternoon, 

I know you look forward to this e-mail every week. Do not try to deny it. 

If we handed out awards for best dressed on Trendy Tuesdays, [insert colleague's name here] would have won this week. As a result, I told her that her "prize" was to pick next week's theme, and she's got a good one for us: Rock and Roll. 

Maybe some leather? Maybe some buckles? Maybe some killer boots? Maybe dig out that Rolling Stones tee? Maybe some distressed jeans? Maybe just all black? Limitless options, folks. 

[Insert Music Tech teacher's name here], I'm counting on you for this one. Yes, I expect greatness. Maybe even a song. 

Stay stylish, fellow Hillions (see what I did there?),

(FYI, blogland: The word Hill is in our school name.)

The Look:
The jacket: I found it at my parents' house. One of my brother's previous girlfriends (he's been married for 4 years) left it, and now it's MINE. However, I would like a nicer replacement.
The jeans: Old Navy Rockstars (these are so smooth; I want to pet them every day. Buy here.)
The necklace: Old Navy for $2.50! I win. (similar)
The top: LOFT (gift from Mrs. Santa Claus--similar)
The wedges: J.Crew Factory (exact)

I bought these wedges based on Fran's review, and I love love love them. I score them on a 50% off sale at J.Crew Factory. I might have to get the black ones when another sale comes along because I love them so much. 

Linking up with
* Favorite Fashion Friday
* Style Elixir's Fab Friday (

I wore these wedges in a fancy way, too:

I wore the leather jacket this way, too:

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Show Stoppers

I decided that if a stranger walks up to me, compliments something I'm wearing, and asks where I bought it, then whatever I'm wearing is a winner. Today's winner is these shoes. Jeff and I went to the market this past weekend, and a lady stopped me in the aisle to ogle my shoes. When we were walking the streets of downtown, a lady said nothing but stared so hard at my shoes that I feared for her forehead because she was a few steps from Mr. Magooing a tree. These flats are show stoppers. They're comfortable. They add a nice pop of color to otherwise neutral outfits. And I love them. I think you need a pair. I wear a 8.5, and they're true to size for me.

Oh, and my juniors' interviews went pretty well yesterday. One student said, "I was expecting it to be a waste of time, but it really wasn't." In teenager speak, that's the highest of compliments. If you can prove their expectations wrong, then you have won the war on apathy. 

So, yesterday you saw that I found my perfect leopard print top. For quite some time, I've been hunting high and low for a floral top (silk, with or without sleeves, smaller flowers, enough colors to match a lot of things, looks good tucked or untucked), and I keep coming up with nothing. I'm not spending $80 on a floral shirt. That's just highway robbery I will not condone. I looked at H&M, LOFT, Banana Republic, The Limited, Francesca's, and most of my regular haunts. Any suggestions?

The Look:
Top: Old Navy (got this bad boy last month for $6! exact)
Jeans: Lauren Conrad via Kohl's ($10 woot woot--similar)
Vest: American Eagle (here is a green one at Nordstrom)
Red flats: Sole Society (exact--feel free to use my referral link)

(You're welcome.)

Linking up with
* All Things Thursday at
* Look What I Got (for cheap) at
* Three-fer Thursdays at
* Tres-Chic Fashion Thursday at

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Let the Interviews Commence

Today, my juniors finally take part in mock interviews, a graduation requirement where I teach. I prepared for the occasion by bringing two black blazers, a black pencil skirt, a lint roller, thread/needles, straight pins, and some wrinkle releaser. If we have a mishap or someone needs a wardrobe change, I should be able to help in some way, shape, or form. I'll MacGyver that ish. 

What I'm wearing in today's post is definitely interview appropriate. It has personality without being distracting. A sartorially savvy interviewer might even ask me where I found such a lovely colored blazer. In fact, another junior teacher (who knows about this here blog) told his students, "If Ms. Wo would wear it to school, then you're okay to wear it for an interview." HAHA. Yesterday, I told my female students, "I'm going to be like your dad before your first date: if I don't like what you're wearing, I'm sending you back upstairs to change. Don't think I won't." 

They giggled. Nervously.

I have been looking for months and months for a leopard print shirt that did not assault my eyes. I found this beauty on the Banana Republic sale rack for $25, which excited me because of the price and the fact that I saw it online a month or two ago, wanted it badly, but refused to pay the higher price at the time. Good things come to those who wait. Yes, indeedy. 

Also, this week must be unintentionally mustard/yellow themed. I've worn mustard several days in a row. I think someone is ready for spring. Spring weather, to be exact.

The Look:
Blazer: Vince Camuto via Nordstrom 
Sleeveless Leopard Print Blouse: Banana Republic
Pants: Slim leg Columnist Pant from Express
Belt: Target
Patent nude wedges: J.Crew Factory
Necklace: Sale rack at Francesca's 

Linking up with
* Pleated Poppy (

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Trendy Tuesday: Un-Anything

Today, I divided my sophomores into two teams to play Jeopardy. I named one team "the window" and the other "the wall." Yes, every time a question bounced to the other side, I said, "from the windooooow to the waaaall." I think Lil John would be proud of how I used his lyrics in my classroom, don't you?

My juniors are preparing for their mock interviews this week. I gave them a pep talk today. Here are some of my pearls of wisdom:
* Do not tickle the palm of your interviewer's hand when you shake it.
* Maintain eye contact, but remember what Mom says: it's not polite to stare. In fact, it's creepy.
* Ladies, do not wear bodycon skirts. They make you look like someone wrapped a hot dog in Saran wrap. It's not a good look.
* If you suffer from clammy hand syndrome, slyly wipe your hands on your back/hip/leg before shaking hands.

My wit keeps them coming back, ladies and gentlemen.

And so do my outfits.

Today's Trendy Tuesday theme is "un-anything: unzipped, unbuttoned, untucked. Just not undressed." 
Might be my favorite theme yet because it's so creative! See what happens when you let guys choose themes? Surprisingly wonderful.

The Look:
Shirt (untucked): LOFT (I got it for $5! I AM AMAZING. Another striped, without sparkles, one from Forever 21)
Jacket (unbuttoned): Old Navy (exact)
Pants (fear not, they're not unzipped): Express via thredUP 
Flats: Steve Madden via DSW 
Earrings: Target (similar on Etsy)

I really didn't need another striped shirt, but this one was FIVE dollars, and it has sparkles. Can you judge me for saying yes instead of no? 

Linking up with
* Style Sessions (

Monday, March 24, 2014

Casual Date Night Look

Today's look is pretty much a shameless copy of this one. (Funny story: Kate sent me this look almost an hour after I pinned it. Girlfriend knows me well. If only we could meet all of our blog friends in real life, right?) I opted for cobalt shoes because cobalt is usually the best answer, regardless of the question. I think I've finally mastered "work to weekend" looks. I think. Of course, now that I've figured them out for the winter time, spring will be here, and my weekend wardrobe will befuddle me once again. Anyway, I can add this one to the weekend line up. 

Yes, all of you were right. I loved Frozen. Then again, how could I not?

Oh, our media specialist chose tomorrow's Trendy Tuesday theme (after I annoyed him for several days). I knew he'd pick a good one, and it is! The theme? "Un-Anything: Unzipped, Unbuttoned, Untucked. Just not undressed." Clever, right? See, dudes are fashionably creative, too. 

(Today's look would qualify, but I have another one lined up for tomorrow.) 

The Look:
Flannel: J.Crew (I found it on super sale because that's how I roll. Similar at Target)
Coated Skinny Pants: The Limited (again, on super sale. Similar)
Tee: Target 
Wedges: via Kohl's (Cobalt heels. Cobalt flats.)
Scarf: Made by Momma

Linking up with
* The Style Record (
* Mix it Mondays (

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spots and Fur

This past weekend, I joked with someone that the reason I teach high school is because my students can control their own bodily functions. Yesterday, a kid puked in my room (second time of my career). Well played, fate or irony or karma or whatever is responsible for that turn of events. 

Today, you get to meet Rudy, my parents' other Parti Yorkie. He's not as much of a ham like his brother Sammy. Just like Sammy's ears perk up really high, Rudy's hair stands up pretty straight, which is why Dad and I have taken to calling him Rooster. 

I am so excited for this coming weekend for two reasons. One, Jeff and I actually have a party to attend. Two, Mom is coming over to our apartment so that we can both watch Frozen for the first time. Woo!

By the way, I watched this video and cried. I recommend it. 

The Look:
Cardigan: LOFT (old)
Shirt: Old Navy
Jeans: American Eagle
Boots: Eitenne Aigner via Macy's
Necklace: J.Crew Factory 

HIS HAIR. Bahahaha. His side-eyed stare? Too funny.

Linking up with

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Anchors Away, it's Trendy Tuesday: Nautical or Knot

Welcome to this week's installment of Trendy Tuesday: Nautical or Knot, Stripes will Suffice.
If you visited these parts yesterday, you saw my pink blazer paired with a green skirt, which I planned to wear with today's outfit. This cardigan was slated for yesterday's look. At the last moment, I realized I wanted to make a switch.

I am listening to iTunes radio for the first time. I've been missing out! Move over, Pandora. 

Stacks of essays call my name, so I leave you with these few words.

The Look:
Cardigan: New York and Co. (old--similar from Target)
Scarf: Francesca's (similar from Old Navy)
Shirt: Express (old--similar from LL Bean for $25)
Belt: Men's section of Target (similar from American Eagle)
Jeans: Gap Outlet (same shade from Eddie Bauer for $20)
Boots: Ralph Lauren via DSW (similar by Franco Sarto)

Pardon my tag. Also, my hand feels naked when I forget my rings. Jeffery scolds me for it all of the time. It's just that they annoyingly swing around on my finger when it's cold outside.

Let's call this picture "demonic spirit hands" or "COME HUG ME, BLOGLAND," which is actually what I was screaming. Are you running away yet?

I have worn these jeans a lot, but here they are on the blog:

This shirt is part of one of my favorite looks EVER.

Linking up with

Monday, March 17, 2014

Lily Pad(dy)'s Day

Indulge me and tell me how witty I am for thinking of such a brilliant title for this post. For those of you who do not know, I live in Maryland. If you don't know anything about Annapolis, the capital of our lovely state, then let me tell you how much Lily Pulitzer everyone who's "so Annapolis" wears. A lot. One of their favorite color combinations? Pink and green, a combination I wore on the blog just last week. (Of course, I chose blush and olive versus the bright pink and kelly green of this week's look, but the idea is the same.)

In January, Kimmie wore this outfit, and it inspired me to wear my green skirt with pink. Of course, I envisioned my green skirt that's the same shade as hers, but I realized I wanted this brighter color pairing because it makes me happy when snow and cold weather make me sad. I originally planned for a navy cardigan, but I wanted more warmth, which required a blazer.

One of my friends hosts a pretty popular podcast about Lost Girl. (If you've never watched the series, you are missing out!) Today, he asked me if I wanted to partake in what he calls "Take Fives," which he refers to as "mini rants to fill in the gaps" when he hasn't recorded in awhile. He wants me to discuss the fashion of Lost Girl in five minute segments. Now, THAT is my kind of contribution! How fun, right? 

In fact, I think that would be a fun little installment here on the blog. We can call it, "Let's talk about ______" and fill in the blank with an actress or character, like Daenerys from Game of Thrones (that platinum blonde hair and those braids could make anything hot. And dragons? Hello? Double hotness.) Or Claire Dunphy from Modern Family (shout out to flannels and well-fitting jeans). Or Bernadette from Big Bang Theory (love her signature look, cardigan + dress + tights).  Maybe I can even sport outfits inspired by the character/actress of the hour. What do we think? About whom should we speak? Any favorite characters or actresses?

Also, tomorrow's Trendy Tuesday theme is NAUTICAL OR KNOT. (The cleverness is all my colleague's, not mine.) The tagline, however, is mine: stripes will suffice.

The Look:
Shirt: Forever 21 (OLD) (similar)
Belt: Dude's section at Target! (similar)
Skirt: J.Crew Factory (exact)
Blazer: LOFT via thredUP (similar)
Boots: Ralph Lauren via DSW (similar)
Elephant necklace (my favorite animal!): Lauren Conrad but Momma got it for me :)
Sunglasses: gift from Momma (she got 'em at LOFT)

I decided to include two outtakes for your viewing pleasure.
The first features me looking as if the F word will escape my lips at any moment.

My lips are so pretty.
And so are my hands.
And so are my awkwardly positioned feet.

 (I might look like a goon, but no one will be pinching me today!)

Linking up with