
Monday, December 30, 2013

"Reverse" 30 x 30 for January (Hear me out, guys.)

I have considered this whole 30 x 30 thing for awhile now--most recently because of Brynn--but I just haven't mustered up the courage for it. Plus, I know my head would spin by day 20, I'd grow frustrated, and I'd ultimately quit just like I quit the saxophone in fifth grade. I don't want to be a quitter. However, the thought of challenging myself sartorially appeals to me, so I did a little (okay, a lot) of thinking.

I said, "Self, why do you want to do a 30 by 30?" The answer is that I want to think differently about my wardrobe and really utilize the clothes in it (stop buying so much "just because it's a great price," you compulsive ninny), but what if I get sick of the clothes I choose? What if I pick all the wrong clothes and wind up nekked as a jay bird (OH MY!) before day 30? What about the other clothes in my closet that feel unloved for 30 days? What if, what if, what if? 

Solution? What I'm calling, for lack of a more creative name, a "Reverse" 30 x 30. What is a reverse 30 by 30 you ask? Well, instead of picking 30 items you love and remixing them with each other for one month, you pick 30 unloved or neglected items and focus on pulling them into your daily repertoire. You don't take 30 out of your wardrobe and work with just those. You try adding 30 back into your wardrobe (treating old stuff like it's new!) Every day, you choose a different item from your list of 30 and include it in an outfit. Rely on the clothes you love most to help out the ones you're not loving enough. If you wish to throw two into one day or repeat one of those items during the 30 days, get down with yo' bad self. The rules are loose as a goose. (I really don't understand that idiom.)

Essentially, the focus of the challenge is this: help your well-loved clothes to befriend and refriend the kids picked last for dodgeball. If you spend some time defining your style and developing a signature look, it might help you reintroduce those clothes (or determine that they're not meant to be in your closet. That's okay, too.) Hopefully, your previously unloved or not-loved-enough clothes will become well-loved in 30 days. Feel free to join me on this adventure. Join for a month, a week, a few weeks, whatever tugs on your heart's strings.

It's time for you to meet the new kids on the block who will one day, I hope, become the cool kids on the block. After taking pictures of the items, I started this Pinterest board to help me style the following pieces. (I encourage you to do the same with your 30 items.)

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1. Love this skirt because of its fit and the flecks of gold, but I always forget about it/struggle with styling it.
2. I styled this skirt in the spring, but it has yet to make a fall/winter appearance. It needs to become part of a winter look.
3. I want to challenge myself to wear this white in winter, not summer.
4. These pants are so soft, but I have yet to wear them more than once. WHY!? I'm sorry, pants. I'll wear you this month.
5. I bought these gray and black polka dot tights thinking they'd be so useful, yet I haven't worn them. For shame.
6. Why do I buy khaki pants but almost never wear them? I seem to love every other color pants, but these are the most neglected. It's like I think they're too boring. I need help.

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7. I love these boots and wore them a bunch last year, but I have yet to wear them this winter/fall. I want to try them with a skirt and be all funky.
8. Same as the brown boots. Wore these a lot last year, but not so much this year. They'd go well with that gray, black, yellow, and white skirt (number 2).
9. I want to try that whole tights and peep toes thing. I like it. Let's branch out.
10. I wore these wedges once, but I really didn't like the outfit, which I guess prevented me from wearing them again despite how comfortable and fun they are.
11. This scarf was $5 at Charlotte Russe. I love the print and colors, but it has gone unworn for a year.
12. I hunted forever for this necklace, yet I haven't worn it once since buying it. What the far?

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13. I styled this dress here and also showed you six ways to style it, yet I have not worn it once this fall or winter. Tsk tsk.
14. I loved it so much when I saw it online at Old Navy, but it still bears its tags several months later. I want to try it with a chunky sweater, some tights, and brown boots.
15. I altered this dress since it came from Old Navy online looking like a sack. I was so proud of my alterations, yet I still haven't worn it. I bought it with the tan dress (number 14). It'd go well with those wedges in picture 10.

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16. I hunted for a shirt like this, yet I rarely wear it.
17. I love this cardigan, but it doesn't leave my closet.
18. This month is a trial run for this blouse. If I can't make it work this month, it might have to go bye bye.
19. Loved the print of this blazer, bought it over a year ago, and not once have I donned it.
20. You are probably squinting and saying, "WAIT. Is that a chambray shirt? What is wrong with her?" Something about the little embellishments on the collar leave me clueless about this shirt despite how much I love it and rocked it that one time I wore it.
21. I like the colors and have worn it once, but it's on probation.
22. I think the cut is flattering, but it goes unworn.
23. It goes with SO MANY things in my closet, but its sheerness detracts me. It's called a camisole, idiot.
24. Mom bought me a pretty black maxi. I should finally break out this sweater again to wear with that skirt.

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25. I know. A navy sweater on the list? Guys, it's still wearing the tags a year later.
26. I have a way to wear it, but I need to follow through. (Has some silver sparkle in it.)
27. I wore it once or twice in the past, but it stumps me now.
28. Something about the deep V throws me off. Why? It's a black sweater. How hard can it be to style a black sweater?
29. I bought it on clearance when it was too warm to wear it and haven't broken it out this fall or winter, but it has such pretty lace detailing!
30. Love the bright orange color, but I don't think I have ever worn it. Can't you tell from the ridiculously wrinkly sleeves?

Okay, does this challenge sound ridiculous? Or, would you like to join in on the fun? Should I do a link-up at the end of the month? Every Friday? Or, should I brave this storm alone?

Linking up with Style Sessions.

My Top 13 Closet Friends of 2013 & My Resolutions for Them

After reading Brynn's post about revamping her wardrobe, which led to AJ's post about her "uniform," which was inspired by Into Mind's post about the 10 Step Wardrobe Revamp, I decided to take notes on my own wardrobe. What did I wear most often? What do I wish I wore more often? What should I have styled differently? And the list goes on. I found the topic relevant to the coming new year, so, today, I decided to compile a list of items from my closet that subconsciously (and sometimes consciously) became some of my most loved pieces. 13 for 2013. What makes this post a bit different? I made a "resolution" for each of these pieces.

Tomorrow, I will tackle defining my style and setting up for a January 30x30, my first ever.  


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If I had a sister and that sister were a color, she'd be cobalt. I have stripes, flats, wedges, a blazer, and several shirts in this color. No wonder it was one of my wedding colors in 2011.
2014 Resolution: These flats might need a more expensive, higher quality replacement this year. 


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I have this shirt in red and black (pictured below.) Whether it be tiny checks in the form of gingham or this buffalo plaid, I love it. This year, I experimented more with layering (under dresses, cardigans, blazers, and sweaters.) Old Navy is still my favorite place to buy these shirts, and I really don't see that changing.
2014 Resolution: Wear it with a skirt because I haven't tried that combination yet.


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I have flat black boots, black boots with a heel, black wedge booties, and black buckle booties. No pair of black footwear is safe around me.
2014 Resolution: I'd like to find a really nice pair of black flats that I love almost as much as my black boots. (I'm a boot hoarder, so I know no other footwear can compare. A close second? Sure.)


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I love this color and this skirt. I just bought mustard skinnies (finally found a replacement pair and, boy, are they soft.) I've worn it with only this brown braided belt.
2014 Resolution: Since I seem to wear it with only browns, I would like to try this skirt with my black belt or even a shirt tied in front of it (no belt.) I love the fit and length. I admire the bumble bee's black and yellow look, so why not imitate it with this skirt?


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All of the infinity scarves (a.k.a. crumb catchers) that my Mom crochets get so much wear. They are by far my very favorite part of fall and winter.
2014 Resolution: This resolution is a bit different. My resolution? Learn how to make my own! My Mom crochets all of these crumb catching bad boys for me, and she's so kindly agreed to teach me.  I tried arm knitting, and it was a miserable failure. 


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This dress has shrunk a little bit, so I can wear it to work only if I have tights. 
Maybe I need to find a longer striped dress for spring and summer?
2014 Resolution: Find a suitable spring/summer striped dress that won't shrink. Must be able to wear it to work without looking like a hoochie.


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This skirt is similar in style (pleats and hits above the knee) to the mustard skirt. I guess I like pleated skirts? They flow freely and don't overly accentuate my hips. I'm proud that I branched out this year and tried the skirt with cognac. That outfit on the left might be one of my favorite looks of the whole year.
2014 Resolution: Wear it with a bit more color and dress it down. Try it as part of a weekend look. 


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I know why people buy J.Brand jeans for full price. I bought these for less than $60 at TJMaxx. They fit like a dream. I like that I've tried them with a closer fitting top (blazer completes the look) as well as a looser top. I felt very 70s in the right-hand look. How else should I wear them this year?
2014 Resolution: Try the pants with a sweater. Maybe they'll work with a looser fitting one? I'm not really sure. 


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Something about A-line/flowy skirts that pulls me in. I find them very flattering.

2014 Resolutions: I need to try this skirt with boots and/or flats (only wedges and heels so far.) Also, I'd like to pair a bright colored top/blazer/cardigan/statement necklace with it. Seems I've paired it with only neutrals/deep colors. 


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Every time I wear these boots, someone compliments them. I love the detailing on the back. I've worn them with only skinnies and dresses. I need to try them with a skirt!
2014 Resolution: I have a gray, yellow, and black skirt that would look great with them. I smell another outfit combination. 


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Okay, I need to branch out of the neutral color spectrum with this dress. Something about fall and winter sends me into a neutral spiral. This picture made me realize I either wear a statement necklace or scarf. My look feels incomplete without one of the two.
2014 Resolution: I have a bright magenta blazer on the way. I'd like to try it with this dress, my gray boots, and my gray infinity scarf.


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I love the colors of this plaid shirt. Again, it's from Old Navy, my favorite place to buy flannels. Oh, and there are those cobalt flats again.
2014 Resolutions: I'd like to try this shirt with grays since I've worn it with browns already. Maybe under a gray sweater or blazer? The picture on the right made me realize that I do like how pencil skirts look on me, but I do not wear them enough. I hope to wear them more in 2014 because I actually like them; however, I know I like A-line skirts better. 


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My top three colors might be cobalt, mustard, and burgundy. What can I say? I love my primary matter the shade.
2014 Resolution: Since I've worn the skirt with black and brown, I want to try it with gray.  What other colors should I try? 

Any suggestions? What are some resolutions you have for specific items in your closet?

Linking up with:
Monday Must Haves

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Dry Shampoo Tips & Some Wardrobe Favorites

The first half of this post is filled with some of my favorite things. Cue Sound of Music singing. The second portion is filled with my dry shampoo tips. (How I make it to days 3 and 4 without washing my hair.)

The Favorites

This Scarf (and obviously this woman)
It's one of those scarves that could serve as a mini blanket, which I just might enlist it to do the next time I hop on a plane. 
It's $32.67 at Asos, but the husband caught it on a 30% off sale. 
(A little birdie might have told him. A little birdie might also have told him to cancel the order after finding out that he did not type in the 30% off code at check out.) 

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This Dress from Gap
I didn't buy it because it was $60 full price, and I just don't pay full price at a store I know will throw it on sale soon enough. Patience, grasshopper. 
However, I fell in deep like with this dress. It's a thick fabric, has pockets, perfect work length, and will function in any season. I'm picturing it with a striped shirt or white oxford underneath. The reviews of it are not great, but I guess it depends on your body type? I'm not sure, but it took a liking to me. 
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The Necklace & Booties are also new favorites
The necklace was a Christmas gift from my sister-in-law. She has such great taste, right? I especially love it with this dress and the booties. Add a blazer and a skinny belt, and we're in serious business. 
The booties are here at Old Navy. We got them in store during a super sale. They were $19.19! 

This Blazer (which is on sale at Gap)
Typically, I'm hopelessly allergic to wool, which is in this blazer, but it wasn't bothering me at all despite the fact I continued to rub my neck against it like a kitten. It's the color that enticed me. I won't lie to you. Here, I'm wearing a 2. Typically, I'm a 0, but I think the arms would be WAY too small in a 0. I like the dress, too, but I wasn't sold on it.
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This Top & These Jeans
It was $22 on the LOFT sale rack, and it came home with me. It will tuck into a skirt really well or it'll pair well with jeans (including these!) and a long, drapey necklace. I think I just made up that term, but I have no other name for it. I cannot find the top on their site, so you'd have to check the store. It was the only one left.

As for these jeans, they're "pencil" jeans by Lauren Conrad (whose book, Style, I was rereading tonight! Hey, I needed a break from Huck Finn), which Mom found at Kohl's. Find them in two washes here. They're on sale for $29.99. I am wearing them in a size 0. Mom argues that they elongate my legs. I really did not expect to love them as much as I do. Thanks, Mom, for bringing another favorite pair of jeans to my closet!

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Dry Shampoo Tips

Previously, I used that Suave dry shampoo you can find at Target. I'm sure drug stores carry it, but I avoid touching anything at drugstores. Too many sick people. Germs. Shudder. 
Carrying on, I noticed that the Suave stuff just wasn't cutting it. It worked on second day hair, but that's about it. Third day hair? Mmm, not so much. My locks just harbor that oil. 

My stylist suggested Redken. Now, she told me that it works just fine on blonde hair, but I'm not sure how it affects brunettes. If you want some other products to try, Vogue suggested these 16 waterless shampoos. Redken's is one of them. (I found the link when I was looking for a picture of the product.)

Anyway, on the second day of no shampooing, I spray the dry shampoo on the roots at the very top of my head. I do not use a brush (too thick) or my hands (adds oil.) I spray the dry shampoo about six inches from my head and use a fine tooth comb because it more evenly distributes the product.  

On the third and fourth days, I do not spray just the top of my head. I work in three layers. 
1. Spray the top layer generously. Comb through with fine tooth comb.
2. Lift up a third of hair (just above ears) and spray generously. Comb through.
3. Spray the underside of hair (base of neck). Comb through. 
Oil builds up at the roots, and the roots are not at just the top of your head. As soon as I started spraying two other layers, I noticed a big difference in how not oily my hair looked. 

My Three-Day System:
Day 1--straight hair
 Day 2--with a flat iron, touch up spots that went haywire during sleep
Day 3--curl hair (hides oil much better than plain straight hair)

Linking up with Molly and Monday Must Haves Link Up.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

thredUP Review (from a selling and buying point of view)

If you go here, you can sign up for thredUP. By visiting from this link, when you first buy something, you get $10 off for using that link. Apparently, so do I. Of course, I'd still buy stuff without the $10 referral fee. (Use the link because it gives you $10 off, which I don't think can be beat because the prices are already pretty good!)

Okay, so, how does thredUP work? Allow me to give you a little big run down.

Selling Clothes

What is it, basically?
Essentially, it's an online consignment shop of sorts. You sign up. You "order" a free bag. thredUP sends you a pre-paid bag (again, no fee to you). When I received the first bag, I thought, "you've got to be kidding me? This thing is puny." Well, you can stuff a lot more into this bag than you might think. Pro packers unite. More information here. (But be sure to sign up through the first link so that you can get $10 off. Hey, I'm a woman who loves her coupons.)
P.S. You can send women's, juniors', and kids' clothes. They do not take dude clothing.

How Long Does it Take?
Since so many more people know about the site now, they've received a lot of traffic, which obviously means it takes longer. Dudettes, patience is a virtue. I think. So they say. Anyway, it takes around a month-month and a half for your bag to process. I don't mind waiting. Heck, it takes less time than eBates and that "let me give you money every quarter thing" does! Plus, it's like Christmas when I finally do hear about how much I get.

How Do I Get Paid?
Once you find out how much you earned, you can use it one of two ways. You can either cash out (takes approximately two weeks on top of how long it took your bag to process) or use it toward a purchase (which you can use almost immediately.) If you choose to cash out, know that you need a Pay Pal account and Pay Pal takes a fraction of the money (like 2% or less...not a big deal, if you ask me.) You can have Pay Pal send you a check or just keep the money in your Pay Pal account. I've done both. I actually found a beloved pair of Steve Madden boots on eBay, so I used my second pay out toward those boots. Thanks to my $75 from thredUP, I ended up spending about $27 bucks out of pocket on boots that retail for $170 (in a color I couldn't find anywhere else.)

How Much Have I Made?
So far, I've made $112 (after pay out fees from Pay Pal) from two bags and another $10 from a friend who signed up and bought something through my link. I have zero patience for a yard sale, and I'm too lazy to go into an actual consignment shop, which means my standards aren't ridiculously high. I'm happy to get something for clothes I think are lovely. I don't know if I can get an actual check for the $10 referral or if I can use it only toward a future purchase. I'll let you know how that works out.

Can You Buy My Clothes on thredUP and see how much I made for each item?
Absolutely. I've already made my money, so you'd be paying thredUP. Say you put something in your cart and you just love it. Well, you can check out the other items from that same seller's bag.
**You can check out my first bag here.
**You can check out my second bag here.

What Do I Send?
I send those items in my closet with which I wouldn't be able to part for one of the following reasons:
1. I haven't worn it in a year or more, but maybe I'll wear it one day. (I know I won't wear it.)
2. I know I won't wear it, but I feel guilty parting with something I spent money on but never wore.
3. It's too pretty to donate. I want to make some money on it!
4. I don't just send LOFT and The Limited and the like. I do send some stuff I get at Kohl's or Target. (They don't take from Wal Mart brands.)

What is the Fine Print?
They don't take everything. It has to be in really good, like-new condition. Since I do not wear a lot of my clothes over and over and over again, I don't have a problem with sending clothes in good condition. (The clothes I wear non-stop are clothes I wouldn't want to send anyway. Duh.) You get more for dresses and coats, which makes sense. Whatever they don't take, they donate. You receive no money for those items. If you want them to send back those clothes so that you can sell them elsewhere, you have to pay a fee upfront. I'm of the "out of sight out of mind" school, so I didn't care enough to pay that fee.

The Aftermath?
They take pictures of all of the clothes they accept from your bag. You can see them all lined up and looking cute. (The links to my bags show you what it would look like when you receive a link to your own bag.) They also tell you when your items sell, a feature I love because it lets me know what kind of items to continue sending.
Tip: If you want to know everything that they keep and reject, take pictures of everything before you stuff it into the bag. That way, you can measure up your pictures against theirs and see what items you should no longer send.

What Do I Do With What I Don't Send?
If I have clothes that are in good condition but not good enough for thredUP, I donate them. When I donate, I keep an itemized list of everything that we donate. Husband transfers all of it into an Excel document. I then ask for a receipt at Good Will (or wherever) so that I can use all of that information for taxes (not ashamed of this fact...full transparency here, folks.) Last year, we got back $2800 for all that we donated. It made a huge difference on taxes. The taxes we'll incur by living in an apartment instead of a house this year will probably need those receipts and itemized lists. My husband used Turbo Tax, which includes a handy pull down menu for entering all of the items we donated.

Overall, do I recommend selling to thredUP?
For my purposes, yes, I do. I don't mind waiting almost two months to see my money. I don't mind if they do not accept everything (partially because I never pay full price for anything I buy anyway.) I don't mind that Pay Pal takes a fraction of my pay out because I think it's a very small fraction. I'm just happy to earn some money for items I love but no longer suit my style or fit my body. At the end of January, I'll hear about my third bag.

Buying Clothes

How Do I Feel about My Purchase?
I have bought two sweaters from thredUP so far, and I think they're really nice items. (I'm including a picture in this post because what is a post without at least one picture?) I bought from brands I was already familiar with because I know I'd have to pay for return shipping if I didn't like them/they didn't fit. I don't feel like messing with the post office, so I avoid that option like the plague.

Shipping is very, very reasonable. For two items, I paid $3.98. I can't complain about that. I don't know what the shipping is like for more items.

The site has helpful ratings: new with tags, new without tags, and tiny flaw (which they share in the blurb about the item.)

The Pictures on the Site?
I really wish some of the pictures were of better quality. I avoid items I'm not entirely sure about based on the picture or the item description. Sometimes, it's difficult to see the print unless you zoom in pretty closely. Some pictures are of clothes on a mannequin; most pictures are of clothes lying flat on a white surface.

Finding items?
You can search for specific brands, sizes, or items of clothing (skirt/pants/tops/casual dresses). However, trying to search for something more specific like "navy blazer" won't work so well for you. I think searching is often cumbersome, but they're still making improvements. I can respect that fact.

For my sizes (small/extra small/0 or 2/25 or 26), I am overwhelmed by how many options there are. I think "hey, if I narrow this search a bit more, maybe I won't still generate a list of 1,000 things. That's just too many to browse through."

Like I said, I choose brands with whom I'm already familiar just because I air on the side of caution. You can choose the sizes, and they automatically check the "include equivalent sizes" box. I don't like it because I know exactly what size I want, so I uncheck it.

You can set your price limits, so there are reasonable prices based on whatever your budget happens to be.

I tend to shop at LOFT, The Limited, Target, Gap, Express, and the like. The "typical" (and designer brands) abound. I'm quite impressed by the selection. I like that you can search for clothes by a specific brand.

Overall, would I recommend buying from thredUP?
I have purchased only two things, so my level of knowledge about buying is more limited than my selling knowledge is. However, I think it was an easy experience and the clothes arrived within a week and a half. I have my shopping cart full with items right now, so I'd obviously buy from there again. If you're concerned about paying return shipping (which many companies require now anyway), then stick to brands and sizes you know.

Here is one of the sweaters I purchased. It's from NY&Co., a brand I already know and love. I bought a small because I wanted a bit looser of a fit for a sweater. I'm a pretty huge fan of that neck. 
(The skirt is from my Mom for Christmas. It's going to be a favorite. I just know it.)

Any other questions? I might have an answer. Was this post useful at all? I'm curious if it was worth your time!

P.S. There are other online sites like thredUP, but I've already had good experiences, which is why I stick with them. I cannot guarantee the awesomeness of your own experience; I can speak only about mine. Finally, this post is in no way sponsored by thredUP. I just believe in full transparency...except when it comes to clothes. No bueno.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

YOLO, YLOO, or YOSO? Which one is it?

Three of my students from last year visited me during my planning period today. 

One of them said, "So, does YOLO technically have a misplaced modifier in it?" 
Me: "As a matter of fact, it does. You do other things (other than living) only once. What it should be is YLOO. You live only once. Unless, of course, you died and someone brought you back to life. Then you lived twice, not once."
Another student: "Oh my gosh. That's so going to be our next inside joke. YLOO. I love it." 
And I love teaching. Kids are such fun humans, and it's fascinating to watch their minds grow. 

I think "only" might be the most frequently misplaced modifier because it's a one-word modifier versus a phrase. I think someone would notice something out of place with the underlined phrase in the following sentence: Pooping on the living room floor, my dad scolded the dog. Tiny modifiers like only are tricky, little buggers. 
(Note: my Dad is the epitome of uncouthness, but even he has boundaries preventing him from defecating on the carpet, which means it's definitely the dog who should be pooping on the living room floor according to that sentence.)

Anyway, it all made me think of the pet peeve speech one student delivered two years ago. He hated on the overuse of YOLO and declared, "YOSO, you all ought to stay original." 
Wise words, my delightfully hysterical pupil. 

Oh, and I got dressed today for your viewing pleasure. 
I really like how the whole look came together, especially the colors. 
It was inspired by this pin.
Sometimes, my brain cooperates.
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The Outfit:
Boots: Madden Girl (wish I could remember where I bought them)
Pants: 1979 Gap jeans
White oxford: New York and Company
Cardigan: Old Navy (probably should have washed it before wearing it with white because little gray gremlins now cover my shirt.)
Scarf: Target (I sort of wish it was bigger. Bummer.)

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Previous Looks:

I also wore these jeans with a gray vestpolka dots & a navy blazer, and chambray & tan.

Linking up with Style JourneyShanna, and WIWW

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My dog stalks me, and how trendy is this Tuesday?

Every morning, both of my dogs visit me while I primp (read: spray the hell out of my fourth day hair with dry shampoo because, once again, I valued sleep more than my mane) in the bathroom. One of my dogs, Roxy, is what can best be described as dumpy. She's got a bubble booty waddle and can hear the faintest crinkle of a bag that might be nourishment. Her demeanor is equally as lackadaisical, so she strolls (okay, she cannot stroll; she usually barrels into her destination) into the bathroom with zero qualms.

My other dog, however, is what I must label a princess, Princess Squirty to be exact. She crosses her paws when she is lying on the floor. She sits ramrod straight when she's boring into your soul with her semi-frightened (even when she's not frightened) pupils and her pouty bottom lip. She won't poop where she sleeps, something I wish she'd teach her sister how to avoid. Anyway, unsurprisingly, Squirt storms into nowhere. She daintily prances or even scurries, but barreling is not for this princess. As such, for awhile every morning, she sat tentatively outside of the open bathroom door until I doted on her adorable face. Eventually, she tip toed ever so slightly into the bathroom for her morning peck on the snout. This morning, she made great progress, and it looks like this.
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In other news, I think Trendy Tuesday was even more successful this week than last week. Our principal said that he'd start announcing the themes in his weekly bulletins. Another teacher is going to post the themes in the copy room. Other teachers are posting about it on class websites/Facebook. And, on the school's Twitter account, our principal will tweet the theme every week. Can I tell you how awesome my colleagues are? So awesome.

Our next Trendy Tuesday will run on January 7th, and one of our male teachers is choosing the next theme. I'll keep you informed. Fear not. This same male teacher told me at lunch today, "I had a burgundy sweater on today, but I thought, 'no, this won't do. Wojcik [that's me] will give me crap. This isn't up to her standards. I have to do better.'" Hysterical. He wore an awesome red, white, and black vest. I loved it! I know fashion/style/whatever you'd like to call it seems so silly to many people, but look at how it can bring people together in a positive way.  I say cheers to that, folks.

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The Outfit:
Pants: Forever 21 (size 26 in case you're wondering...and they're corduroy)
Boots: Franco Sarto via Marshall's (bought 'em last year)
Belt: American Eagle (would you judge me if I said I bought it in middle school?)
Shirt: Old Navy (current)
Cardigan: Ann Taylor (very old but not as ancient as the belt)
Scarf: Another Momma Wo creation (definitely my favorite and SO WARM)

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Here is a small group of us. The larger picture gives away too many heads, so I am posting the one that was easy to crop. The guy in the picture? His red suspenders have Santa's face on them. His socks you can't see? They're red and white striped. Again, my colleagues are awesome.

Previously, I wore the black and white version of this shirt this way.

Linking up with Lauren and The Trend Spin Linkup

Monday, December 16, 2013

My fleece tights died, and don't forget about Trendy Tuesday.

I wore my fleece tights ONCE (a glorious day it was). After one round in the washer's gentle cycle, the crotch birthed a hole. (How do you like that imagery?) Boo to you, $6 fleece tights. I waffle between patching up the hole, conveniently located on a seam, and buying a brand new pair. Decisions decisions. 

Anyway, these opaque tights from The Limited sufficed, but gracious me, I was not wearing enough layers on top to combat the arctic that my classroom has become. Polar Bear City, all aboard. 
Also, rhetorical question: why is it that my legs can take a Jack Frost beating, but my upper body needs about fifteen layers to prevent the shiver me timbers? 
Anyone else suffer from this problem? (not rhetorical)

Tomorrow's theme for Trendy Tuesday is red and white. 

Don't forget to don your best red and white look. Post that beauty on Facebook, Instagram, your blog, or send a carrier pigeon with a polaroid. Mosey over to the sidebar and follow me on Instagram.
Octothorpe (real name for the hashtag-pound sign-number sign thing) that lovely look of yours with #trendytuesday.

If you're new around here, my co-teacher started this "let's pick a theme for getting dressed one day a week" trend. Another teacher and I settled on Tuesdays, which we alliteratively named Trendy Tuesday.  Every week, we come up with a theme and try to coax more teachers and students [and online friends!] to join us in our sartorial adventure. Safety in numbers and all that jazz. 

The Outfit:
Sweater: AB Byer (so old...does anyone even know that brand anymore?)
Scarf: a new creation from Momma who finally agreed to let me sell her scarves! Who wants in?
Tights: The Limited
Skirt: LOFT (it's chiffon and pleated in case your eyes and my terrible photos deceive you.)
Boots: Etienne Aigner 
Belt: Came with a dress

Hair: on its third day...that's what's up.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Few Things...

1. Something about a delicious cupcake turns a day into magic. 

2. I hate coffee. Earl Gray is my drink of choice. I should've been British.

3. These work pants feel like leggings, but they are absolutely not. They are the columnist slim fit pants from Express. Go get you some

4. I am so excited for ugly sweater day at school tomorrow. I'm coupling it with "Flannel Friday." I don't know if that's a real thing or if my students just made it up. Either way, since my classroom feels like an ice box, I'm rocking my flannel shirt under my ugly sweater. 

5. I am 29 and just found out the source of my two month headache is a deviated septum and bone spur. How did I make it this far through chronic sinus infections without this nugget of knowledge? First thing I thought of when the doctor said spur? Cowboy boots tapping the sides of a horse while wild west music plays in the background. The mind thinks what the mind thinks. 

The Outfit:
Blazer: Lauren Conrad via Kohl's
Pants: Express (Columnist slim fit)
Boots you can barely see: b.o.c. via DSW
White sweater: The Limited
(FYI: I folded up the sleeves over the end of the blazer.)
Leopard infinity scarf: Francesca's


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Trendy Tuesday...A Date Late (Again)

Eventually, Trendy Tuesday will happen and post ON TRENDY TUESDAY. You can thank the inclement weather for this week's delay. Don't worry; she also peed all over the plans I took four hours to write for my AP students this month. It's cool, Mother Nature. It's cool.

Anyway, a few weeks ago, my co-teacher thought up the idea of a themed day once a week. A bunch of us got in on the action and decided to pick a day and name it. We landed on Trendy Tuesdays. Here was last week's if you're curious

This week's theme was flannel and scarves. The rules are relaxed, so interpret the theme as you wish. (My co-teacher settled on a scarf that was flannel, a double threat kind of wardrobe piece.)

Who wants to join us next week? 
Next Tuesday's theme is Red and White (read: candy cane).  
We post on Instagram and tag with #trendytuesday. 

I don't know how to do those fancy link ups (feel free to tutor me if you wish), but my colleagues and I would love your participation. Feel free to write up a post on Tuesday (or a day late), tag me on Instagram, send a picture via carrier pigeon, whatever strikes our fancy, and label it Trendy Tuesday. It's a revolution, people. I don't know what we're revolting against exactly, but it might have something to do with Uggs and leggings worn without something to cover one's bum. 

Let's carry on with our looks of the day. 
First up: my look.
The Outfit:
Flannel shirt: Old Navy (it's current, folks.) Get yours here
The Dress: Target (best dress I've ever bought. If they made it in 50 colors, I'd buy them all. I already bought the blue floral/whatever it is pattern and the coral and black striped one.) 
The Boots: Etienne Aigner via Macy's (does anyone know how to pronounce that brand's name?)
Tights: The Limited (they have the BEST opaque tights. They're on sale for $10. Go get ya some.)
Scarf: Calvin Klein via DSW 
Belt: Target clearance last year or something 

And here are all of our outfits! I told students today, and they are already so excited to jump on the Trendy Tuesday train. I hope the next picture is of a LOT more people! 

Will you join us next Trendy Tuesday for our red and white theme? 

Linking up for WIWW.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The 5 Stages of Teachers On Snow Days (as illustrated by dog)

Preface: These stages may apply to more than just teachers, but I can speak from only a teacher's perspective. I do hope you enjoy my photo story, which was my first attempt at avoiding that stack of papers.
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Sunday, December 8, 2013

It's Not a Hashtag. But, Those Are 8 Ways to Wear Maroon Pants.

Teaching AP English has opened up a new level of intelligence for me. This scarecrow finally has a brain. Thanks, wizard. Enter my newest bit of knowledge--learned from my students, no less. That sign you call a hashtag? Not a hashtag. That sign you refuse to call a hashtag because, damnit, it's a pound sign? Not a pound sign. It's an...


It's like the symbol superhero. Or something. 
What will the inter webs do if I just start saying:
octothorpe: the real deal
Much cooler if you ask me. 
Not that you did.

Of course, calling the symbol a hashtag or pound sign is acceptable because plenty of words and symbols have different names/definitions. Look at the F word (yes, that F word.) It has an entire book devoted to its many definitions and a YouTube video dedicated to its versatility. You might have even seen my insta about that book.
I was frighteningly close to buying it for my Dad.
I refrained and bought him the Urban Dictionary instead.
octothorpe: not kidding.

It'll catch on. Eventually. Just like fetch.

Since you probably come here for my photos of terrible quality and not my words of better quality, I have a treat for you today. I am here to inspire you with pictures, but be glad you are not viewing pictures with my face in it. All I have to say is that Medusa would be proud of this lion's mane of mine. Instead, I present you with pictures of outfits folded all neatly and prettily on my bed. Who came up with this genius idea I see splattered all over Pinterest? Whoever you are, I LOVE YOU. In a very non-creepy way. 
Today's clothes-folded-prettily-on-bed (should I be concerned about putting my shoes on the comforter?) theme is "maroon pants." I just took advantage of Old Navy's $15 rockstar jean sale yesterday, but I allowed myself ONE pair as long as they came in the exact color I needed to replace my too-small H&M pair. Only one left. In my size. Fashion fate? I think so. 
(I really wish I bought a pair of the ones that look like leather. Poop.)
Anyway, after I buy an article of clothing, I like to Pinterest the shit out of it so that I can justify my purchase. Some of these looks are inspired by Pinterest, but I just relied on shopping my own closet.
Yes, I just turned Pinterest into an infinitive. 

I compiled outfit "formulas"and provided pictures of each outfit in case you want to pin a specific look. Let me know if you like this sort of thing and wish to see more posts like it!

Look 1 Formulas
Pieces: colored skinny pants + striped shirt + scarf + cardigan + flats 
Colors: maroon + navy + cognac + cream
- swap stripes for another pattern
- swap cardigan for blazer
- swap flats for boots
-swap cardigan for an oxford under the striped shirt

Look 2 Formulas:
Pieces: colored skinny pants + lace top + cardigan + scarf + booties
Colors: maroon + cream + leopard + black
- swap leopard scarf for statement necklace
- swap ankle boots for tall boots
- swap black boots for leopard heels/flats
- swap cardigan for blazer or vest

Look 3 Formulas:
Pieces: colored skinny pants + statement shirt + cardigan + tall boots
Colors: maroon + blush + charcoal gray + black 
- swap cardigan for blazer
- swap tall boots for ankle boots
- swap black boots for sparkly flats
- swap black boots for gray ankle boots

Look 4 Formulas:
Pieces: colored skinny pants + patterned shirt + long blazer + scarf + long necklace + ankle boots
Colors: maroon + black + white
- swap blazer for vest/cardigan
- swap lace-print shirt for another black & white patterned shirt
- swap booties for flats/heels/tall boots
- swap white scarf for a different pop of color (hunter green? burnt orange? mustard?)

Look 5 Formulas:
Pieces: colored skinny pants + heels + tee shirt + long necklace + scarf + statement blazer
Colors: maroon + white + gold + leopard + black
- swap heels for flats
- swap leopard for black
- swap blazer for cardigan
- swap white shirt for black shirt & black scarf for white one

Look 6 Formulas:
Pieces: colored skinny pants + long sleeve tee + cropped blazer + flats + scarf
Colors: maroon + mustard + black + plaid
- swap long sleeved shirt for a sweater
- swap blazer for an oxford or cardigan
- swap flats for heels
- swap flats for booties
- swap scarf for statement necklace
- swap plaid for another pattern (dots? stripes?)
- swap mustard shirt for something neutral and wear a mustard scarf

Look 7 Formulas:
Pieces: colored skinny pants + leather coat + sneakers + scarf + tee
Colors: maroon + white + black + gray
- swap sneakers for booties/flats/heels
- swap coat for a vest/blazer/cardigan
- swap scarf for a statement necklace (or simple necklace)

Look 8 Formulas:
Pieces: colored skinny jeans + sweater (need breathing room) + oxford + lace-up boots + boot socks
Colors: maroon + tan + chambray + brown
- swap chambray for something fancier
- swap chambray (if it's too hot) for a scarf or statement necklace
- swap sweater for boyfriend cardigan

My exact jeans here (currently $22.50.)
Note: if you're new to the rockstar jeans, know that you have to size up. Typically, I'm a size 0-2. In these pants, a 6 fit best. 

Look at that. You are leaving with the knowledge of the octothorpe and eight ways to wear maroon pants. (If you follow me on Pinterest, you can see all of the awesome outfits I pin. Shameless plug.) 

Linking up with Molly. (There's a chance to win a Target gift card. Go now!)