
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Reverse 30x30: Teacher Outfit (My Fail-Safe Formula)

Excitement will topple over you this week because I have real pictures, not my usual photos of craptastic quality! I planned my outfits for this week and Mom took pictures of them for me over the weekend. She knows how to snap a good detail shot, and there are even some of those cool "blogger" pictures where the background is all blurry. I feel so dang fancy.
(I really wish I could've captured her in her snow hat, boots, and "poofy" coat.)

Today's outfit is based on a formula on which I rely for choosing teacher looks.

It goes something like this:
belted skirt + tucked in shirt/sweater + tights + blazer/cardigan cropped jacket + boots/booties/flats/wedges 

(Note: Something about the belt and being tucked in makes me feel much more pulled together.)

It's essentially like last week's formula, only I swapped the pants for a skirt.
Can I just tell you how easy a "formula" makes getting dressed/picking out outfits?

Now, your formula might not be my formula.
However, if you take pictures of the looks you wear (especially your favorites or the ones that receive the most compliments) and also pin a lot of looks on Pinterest, you can gain a good sense of what looks complement you. I browsed through my favorite looks on the blog and Pinterest, which helped me figure out what silhouettes looked best on me. From there, I created a few formulas for myself. Teachers and other early risers of the world, take heed: finding your perfect formulas makes those early mornings not so harsh. (Okay, they're still harsh, but at least you don't walk out of the house looking like a yeti.)

The Look:
Skirt (reversed item): Target (love this Ruche floral skirt, same shape as mine)
Tights: The Limited (my favorite place to buy tights)
Boots: hand me down from Momma (similar from Nasty Gal
Scarf: Calvin Klein via DSW (it's $46.80, but I love this one at Nordstrom.)
Jacket: leftover from my brother's ex-girlfriend? I dunno. Found it at my parents'. MINE now.
Sweater: Sonoma via Kohl's (this one at Old Navy is very similar and only $15!)
Belt: Came with a dress 
Earrings: Target (very similar for $7.99)

Linking up with 

Other winter/fall looks that rely on this "formula":

Reversed 30x30 Update:
(Original Post in case you want pictures and a run down of this challenge)

1. coral and khaki skirt (look forward to this one this week!)
2. gray and yellow skirt 
3. white pencil skirt (officially waiting for spring--too cold for the outfits I have planned for it)
4. teal velvet pants (officially reversed)
5. polka dot tights
6. khaki pants (officially returned)
7. brown boots (officially reversed)
8. black wedge booties (officially reversed)
9. red heels
10. tri-color wedges (officially reversed)
11. aztec scarf 
12. teal necklace
13. striped dress (officially reversed)
14. tan dress (officially rejected)
15. navy dress (probationally reversed)
16. polka dot shirt (officially reversed)
17. polka dot cardi (you'll see it this week.)
18. polka dot blouse (officially reversed
19. printed blazer (on probation, might be leaving the closet, LEAVING the closet)
20. chambray (officially reversed)
21. paisley blouse (officially rejected)
22. gray shirt (officially rejected)  
23. paisley blouse 2 (reversed for today's look)
24. emerald sleeveless sweater (too cold for it just yet)
25. navy sweater (you'll see it this week)
26. blush sweater with silver polka dots (next week)
27. silver sweater (officially rejected)
28. black sweater (next week...if I don't expatriate it)
29. white lace sweater (officially reversed)
30. orange sweater 
31. long-sleeve purple shirt (next week)
32. gray skinnies (you'll see them again this week!)
33. light khakis (you'll see them later this week)
34. gold blazer (officially reversed) 


  1. Your photos look great!! (Though I would have never described your usual ones as "craptastic" anyways!) I really like the balance of the edgy jacket with the pretty skirt in your outfit.

  2. Love these photos, Danielle! You are too cute - and holy cow, in the second to last one of today's outfits where you're just looking at the camera, you TOTALLY look like Kate Hudson! I completely agree with you about the ease/convenience of having an outfit formula. For me, it's usually: button up + cardigan + skinny pants + flats or boots + scarf or necklace. And a headband. Always a headband.

  3. Your photos look great! I really love the print of your skirt and how you styled it! Thanks so much for linking up with Mix it Monday!!


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