
Friday, January 31, 2014

Reverse 30x30: Please Help My Khaki Pants. And me.

I have a confession to make. I pulled together this outfit, but khaki pants still leave me utterly confused. Well, not all khaki pants. That one pair of dark khaki skinnies blends into my closet, and they've earned their keep. But, these khaki pants? What is it about them? Maybe it's the years I spent waiting tables while donning a dark green polo and light khaki pants (possibly these...I think I blocked the memories after that one early morning I ripped my front bumper off on the bumper of my neighbor's stupid illegally parked truck. Still went to work that day. With a grill that looked twenty shades of pissed off.) I feel like I'm one shirt change away from serving customers at Target. I love Target, but do I want everyone to think of it when they see me? 

Is my perception of these pants absolutely skewed? Do I need to set the sewing machine on them and make the bottoms more tapered/cropped? Is it the fabric? Is the khaki too light? AM I TOO CRAZY FOR WORDS? (That last one is rhetorical.)

* See, this pin shows more cropped khaki pants. I think they work.
These pants have polka dots on them, but the khaki is the same color, and they're skinnified (not a word, which is totally fine). I like the look of them
* I love this combination, but the bottom of the pants look different. (I'm completely amused by the commenter who said she wasn't sure about the pants.)

I don't want to get rid of these pants because I like that I can wear wide belts with them, I love the pockets (not those stupid, you-can-fit-half-of-your-thumb-in-me pockets), and I do like the color. However, I think it's the bottom of them that perplexes me. I feel weird in flats (sort of bunches). I'm not entirely sold on the booties here. Regular boots won't go over the pant legs without causing serious leg wrinkles. I tried the khaki exact stretch pants from The Limited (have them in maroon, brown, and navy), but I didn't like the shade or the look of the khaki ones, which is odd since I have them in three other colors. 

What would you do if you were me? (Aside from the obvious, which is to scold yourself for writing so many sentences about one pair of pants.)  

Help. me.

(This is my "what am I doing outside in the cold without a coat on and, Mom, why aren't you stopping me from this madness" look. I tell you only to explain why I felt compelled to grab my scarf. My hands inherently search for warmth.)

The Look:
Cardigan (reversed item 1): Target (gift!)
Shirt: Target
Belt: old I couldn't tell you with complete honesty
Scarf: Calvin Klein via DSW
Booties: hand-me-downs from Momma

(I'm laughing right now because I said these are not I-can-fit-half-a-thumb-in-them pockets, and I'm totally sticking only half of my thumb in the pockets. However, the previous picture is a full-hand-in-pocket pose. This post just keeps getting more and more awkward.) 

Feel free to rebuke me for my trivialities.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Reverse 30x30: Summertime Skirt in the Wintertime

MOM, why didn't you tell me that my scarf was cattywampus!? That little sliver of misplaced scarf is just taunting me now. 

One of my friends posted this link, and I cannot stop laughing. I would like to befriend every single person who came up with these new words. The premise is this: "The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again invited readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition." I am SO doing this activity with my students. They will love it. I think "ignoranus," a person who's both stupid and an asshole, might rank as my favorite word on the list. Do I want to share that word with my juniors? Yes. Will I? Probably no. Probably.

My brain so desperately wants to create some words of my own, but all I have for you is this one:
1. what an individual (specifically of the teenage population) does in order to avoid learning
2. the state in which teachers find themselves required to do more paperwork than teaching

and this one:
pineptitude (n)
the inability to accomplish anything competently because of Pinterest

and this one:
twitticism (n)
 a statement of particular insight that exits a mouth that typically spews stupidity

I wish these were better. Throw some of your words my way. Inspire me.

I'll be honest. I don't know if I love this look. I think a white shirt with a brown scarf might be better? 
However, I do like the idea of brown tights in order to winterize this skirt. 
I tried.

The Look:
Skirt: Lauren Conrad via Kohl's (it was a gift from Momma.)
Boots: diba via DSW
Shirt: The Limited
Belt: New York & Co.
Jean Jacket: Old Navy
Scarf: Handmade by Momma
(Note: I changed to darker brown tights for more warmth.)

I realize the scarf doesn't perfectly match the skirt in pictures, and I'm okay with that. 
Close enough, right?

Linking up with


What's left of my 30x30?
(Original Post in case you want pictures and a run down of this challenge)
Click on the link after each item to view the post that features it. 

1. coral and khaki skirt 
2. gray and yellow skirt 
3. white pencil skirt (officially waiting for spring--too cold for the outfits I have planned for it)
4. teal velvet pants (officially reversed)
5. polka dot tights (I planned to reverse them, but I found an enormous run in them at the end of the day. It was a good run, tights. Pun intended.) 
6. khaki pants (officially returned)
7. brown boots (officially reversed)
8. black wedge booties (officially reversed)
9. red heels
10. tri-color wedges (officially reversed)
11. aztec scarf 
12. teal necklace
13. striped dress (officially reversed)
14. tan dress (officially rejected)
15. navy dress (probationally reversed)
16. polka dot shirt (officially reversed)
17. polka dot cardi 
18. polka dot blouse (officially reversed
19. printed blazer (on probation, might be leaving the closet, LEAVING the closet)
20. chambray (officially reversed)
21. paisley blouse (officially rejected)
22. gray shirt (officially rejected)  
23. paisley blouse 2 (officially reversed)
24. emerald sleeveless sweater (too cold for it just yet)
25. navy sweater (officially reversed)
26. blush sweater with silver polka dots 
27. silver sweater (officially rejected)
28. black sweater 
29. white lace sweater (officially reversed)
30. orange sweater (officially reversed)
31. long-sleeve purple shirt (next week)
32. gray skinnies (these have REALLY been reversed)
33. light khakis 
34. gold blazer (officially reversed)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Reverse 30x30: I think I figured out polka dot tights?

My girl, Brynn, inspired me for this item, polka dot tights, on my reverse 30x30. Why is something so fun an enormous source of sartorial confusion for me? Thank you, Brynn, for making me realize how perfectly they would complement this dress. 

I can't stop wearing these hand-me-down booties from Mom. Plus, they add a little bit of edge to the outfit. No? Wait until you see the next pair of booties she gave to me. They're YELLOW! Seriously, prepare to feel overwhelmed by jealousy. 

Do I look like I'm still celebrating Christmas because of this red sweater? If so, I do not care. When the weather outside is frightful, continuing to wear Christmas colors is so delightful. 

Thank you to those of you who wished me well after yesterday's post. If people you have met only online are kind to you, then there's a lot more to be grateful about in this world. Also, as I told someone, I am a silver-lining hunter. I allow myself only a small amount of time to feel any sort of self pity because, honestly, where does that get me? It just dumps me into a land of dreariness. I heard somewhere that life is 10% circumstance and 90% attitude; you cannot control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to it. Ultimately, I choose happiness. 

Think about it. I might have crappy sinuses and crappy teeth and a lot of other crappy body parts. However, as a result, I have learned a lot about nutrition. I have a "team" of doctors who are extremely helpful people, and I truly believe I am slowly but surely traveling on the road to recovery.  I spent so many years sick without anything definitive to explain the sicknesses. Now, I actually have answers. I have a lot of compassionate, funny, helpful people who surround me (both online and offline). I have my career, my awesome colleagues, and my endearing students. 
I have my family, my friends, and my fur babies. 
Often, I might not feel great physically, but I feel great emotionally. 
And I'm okay with that. :)

The Look:
Dress: Target--they need to make more of these! (Here's a very similar one from Gap; I have it in gray. I love love love it.)
Turtleneck: The Limited (similar from JCPenny)
Belt: The Limited (similar from Target)
Booties: From Mom :)
Tights: The Limited (similar from Target)
Necklace: Target 

Detail shot of the tights :)

Linking up with


Similar outfits that involve layers under a dress:

A button up under this very same dress!

my striped version of the black dress:
(Someone tell me how else to style this dress in the winter? What other color can I wear with it? Maybe I should've added it to my 30x30.)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Reverse 30x30: Navy Sweater & Casual Day

We try round two of the root canal today since six shots of novocaine proved useless last time. Wish me luck that he does not drill into my nerve and I still feel it this time around. 

I went to the ENT (ear, nose, and throat) doctor yesterday and came bearing CT films as a gift. 
You know you have super sinuses when the specialist's response to your x-rays is "WHOA. No wonder you've been in so much pain." You know me, I'm always here to impress.
Apparently, I have pan sinusitis. My teaching English to the common teenager informed me that pan means all, so I predicted that "pan" sinusitis fell into the not-so-fun category. Two of my sinus cavities are completely blocked, but ALL (where "pan" comes into play) of my sinuses are impacted in some way. Supposedly, he should have seen a wall in there. Nope, no wall. Just lots of gray. Speaking of gray, I like these gray pants. Thanks for designing them, J.Lo. 

The Look:
Sweater (reversed item): Apt 9 via Kohl's (it was surprisingly difficult to style! Very similar one from Old Navy)
Button up: Old Navy (it's surprisingly versatile. Similar gingham one from Forever 21)
Pants: J.Lo via Kohl's (similar from Old Navy)
Flats: via DSW (very similar from Zappos)
Necklace: New York & Co.  (similar from Stella & Dot

(Sometimes, my eyes disappear when I smile.)

Linking up with


Reversed 30x30 Update:
(Original Post in case you want pictures and a run down of this challenge)
Click on the link after each item to view the post that features it. 

1. coral and khaki skirt (look forward to this one this week!)
2. gray and yellow skirt 
3. white pencil skirt (officially waiting for spring--too cold for the outfits I have planned for it)
4. teal velvet pants (officially reversed)
5. polka dot tights (you'll see them tomorrow.)
6. khaki pants (officially returned)
7. brown boots (officially reversed)
8. black wedge booties (officially reversed)
9. red heels
10. tri-color wedges (officially reversed)
11. aztec scarf 
12. teal necklace
13. striped dress (officially reversed)
14. tan dress (officially rejected)
15. navy dress (probationally reversed)
16. polka dot shirt (officially reversed)
17. polka dot cardi (you'll see it this week.)
18. polka dot blouse (officially reversed
19. printed blazer (on probation, might be leaving the closet, LEAVING the closet)
20. chambray (officially reversed)
21. paisley blouse (officially rejected)
22. gray shirt (officially rejected)  
23. paisley blouse 2 (officially reversed)
24. emerald sleeveless sweater (too cold for it just yet)
25. navy sweater (officially reversed)
26. blush sweater with silver polka dots (next week)
27. silver sweater (officially rejected)
28. black sweater (next week...if I don't expatriate it)
29. white lace sweater (officially reversed)
30. orange sweater (officially reversed)
31. long-sleeve purple shirt (next week)
32. gray skinnies (these have REALLY been reversed)
33. light khakis (you'll see them later this week)
34. gold blazer (officially reversed

I'm almost finished! I've really started to wear some of these items (especially the brown boots and gray pants) a LOT. I'm quite glad I thought up and took on this challenge :) Anyone planning on trying it out sometime?

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Reverse 30x30: Teacher Outfit (My Fail-Safe Formula)

Excitement will topple over you this week because I have real pictures, not my usual photos of craptastic quality! I planned my outfits for this week and Mom took pictures of them for me over the weekend. She knows how to snap a good detail shot, and there are even some of those cool "blogger" pictures where the background is all blurry. I feel so dang fancy.
(I really wish I could've captured her in her snow hat, boots, and "poofy" coat.)

Today's outfit is based on a formula on which I rely for choosing teacher looks.

It goes something like this:
belted skirt + tucked in shirt/sweater + tights + blazer/cardigan cropped jacket + boots/booties/flats/wedges 

(Note: Something about the belt and being tucked in makes me feel much more pulled together.)

It's essentially like last week's formula, only I swapped the pants for a skirt.
Can I just tell you how easy a "formula" makes getting dressed/picking out outfits?

Now, your formula might not be my formula.
However, if you take pictures of the looks you wear (especially your favorites or the ones that receive the most compliments) and also pin a lot of looks on Pinterest, you can gain a good sense of what looks complement you. I browsed through my favorite looks on the blog and Pinterest, which helped me figure out what silhouettes looked best on me. From there, I created a few formulas for myself. Teachers and other early risers of the world, take heed: finding your perfect formulas makes those early mornings not so harsh. (Okay, they're still harsh, but at least you don't walk out of the house looking like a yeti.)

The Look:
Skirt (reversed item): Target (love this Ruche floral skirt, same shape as mine)
Tights: The Limited (my favorite place to buy tights)
Boots: hand me down from Momma (similar from Nasty Gal
Scarf: Calvin Klein via DSW (it's $46.80, but I love this one at Nordstrom.)
Jacket: leftover from my brother's ex-girlfriend? I dunno. Found it at my parents'. MINE now.
Sweater: Sonoma via Kohl's (this one at Old Navy is very similar and only $15!)
Belt: Came with a dress 
Earrings: Target (very similar for $7.99)

Linking up with 

Other winter/fall looks that rely on this "formula":

Reversed 30x30 Update:
(Original Post in case you want pictures and a run down of this challenge)

1. coral and khaki skirt (look forward to this one this week!)
2. gray and yellow skirt 
3. white pencil skirt (officially waiting for spring--too cold for the outfits I have planned for it)
4. teal velvet pants (officially reversed)
5. polka dot tights
6. khaki pants (officially returned)
7. brown boots (officially reversed)
8. black wedge booties (officially reversed)
9. red heels
10. tri-color wedges (officially reversed)
11. aztec scarf 
12. teal necklace
13. striped dress (officially reversed)
14. tan dress (officially rejected)
15. navy dress (probationally reversed)
16. polka dot shirt (officially reversed)
17. polka dot cardi (you'll see it this week.)
18. polka dot blouse (officially reversed
19. printed blazer (on probation, might be leaving the closet, LEAVING the closet)
20. chambray (officially reversed)
21. paisley blouse (officially rejected)
22. gray shirt (officially rejected)  
23. paisley blouse 2 (reversed for today's look)
24. emerald sleeveless sweater (too cold for it just yet)
25. navy sweater (you'll see it this week)
26. blush sweater with silver polka dots (next week)
27. silver sweater (officially rejected)
28. black sweater (next week...if I don't expatriate it)
29. white lace sweater (officially reversed)
30. orange sweater 
31. long-sleeve purple shirt (next week)
32. gray skinnies (you'll see them again this week!)
33. light khakis (you'll see them later this week)
34. gold blazer (officially reversed) 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Reverse 30x30: Orange sweater and printed scarf

There's something about moving furniture that's so cathartic. Am I right? Since our internet died AGAIN at work (we are going on three weeks of very intermittent internet), my co-teacher and I decided to be productive and do a little feng shuing of our classroom. 

As we left for the day, we discussed how excited we were to come back on Monday, so ready to teach in the prettiness of our room. It's the little things in life, no? 

But isn't it SO much easier (and exciting) to work productively in a clean, streamlined space? It's akin to the thrill of new school supplies. Maybe that's just me. 

(Let's just hope we CAN work productively with functioning internet.)

Blazer (new!): LOFT
Sweater: Target (reversed item 1)
Scarf: Charlotte Russe (reversed item 2)
Pants: gift (mom got them at LOFT)
Shoes: via DSW
Belt: OLD American Eagle (bought it in the dude's section) 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Reverse 30x30: All that glitters is my gold blazer.

The lighting and clarity are a little better in these pictures, right? 
Who knew that opening the blinds would let in natural light and make the pictures better
What a novel idea. 

Okay, here's what I did to get to this outfit.

I realized that I am drawn to the following silhouette: 
blazer/cardigan + tucked in shirt + belt + heels/boots/flats (depending on pant style) 
I used that little formula to style the gold blazer I needed to reverse.

Initially, I was thinking of a white shirt. I decided to try it some other time. Then, last week's Trendy Tuesday theme was coral, so I planned to wear this blazer with a coral shirt. Then the sickness hit, and I missed out on Trendy Tuesday! :(  I actually tried on the blazer with the coral shirt, and the frockets (front pockets--got this word from a witty colleague) looked really weird with the blazer.  I then realized I hadn't yet worn this red blouse, so I gave it a go. I was going to wear a leopard scarf, but it just wasn't sitting right, which is where the leopard belt comes into play. In the spring, I'll wear leopard heels/flats instead :)

Man, do I love this look. I love the sparkles in the blazer. The bright red of the top. The heel on the boot. The pop of leopard print. 

This blazer is officially REVERSED. 

Reversed Item: Blazer from ModCloth (last winter on super clearance)
Belt: New York & Co.
Black Jeggings (high rise!): American Eagle (got 'em during a $25.99 promotion)
Boots: b.o.c. via DSW
Blouse: LOFT (seriously scored this beauty for less than $20)
Scarf: Made by Momma dearest


Reversed 30x30 Update:
(Original Post in case you want pictures and a run down of this challenge)

1. coral and khaki skirt (might have to wait for spring...looks STUPID with tights)
2. gray and yellow skirt 
3. white pencil skirt (officially waiting for spring--too cold for the outfits I have planned for it)
4. teal velvet pants (officially reversed)
5. polka dot tights
6. khaki pants (officially returned)
7. brown boots (officially reversed)
8. black wedge booties (officially reversed)
9. red heels
10. tri-color wedges (officially reversed--I've added so much gray/navy/burgundy to my wardrobe that these are perfect)
11. aztec scarf (planning to wear it tomorrow)
12. teal necklace
13. striped dress (officially reversed)
14. tan dress (officially rejected)
15. navy dress (probationally reversed)
16. polka dot shirt (officially reversed)
17. polka dot cardi
18. polka dot blouse (officially reversed
19. printed blazer (on probation, might be leaving the closet, LEAVING the closet)
20. chambray (officially reversed)
21. paisley blouse (officially rejected)
22. gray shirt (officially rejected)  
23. paisley blouse 2 (reversed for today's look)
24. emerald sleeveless sweater
25. navy sweater (pulling one of my favorites: sweater over a dress look!)
26. blush sweater with silver polka dots (outfit planned but might be too cold)
27. silver sweater (officially rejected)
28. black sweater (might be replaced by a crew neck)
29. white lace sweater (officially reversed)
30. orange sweater (got a plan for it tomorrow
31. long-sleeve purple shirt (got a plan for this one)
32. gray skinnies (I've already worn them three times, none of which you've seen...oops!)
33. light khakis (got a plan for these)
34. gold blazer (officially reversed) 

Some other outfits I've worn that follow this outfit's "formula":
(So many more outfits like these, but I picked some of my favorites)

(probably my favorite outfit of all time)

Follow my outfit board on Pinterest here

Joining up for What I Wore to Work,

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Thank You, Sickness. Seriously, Thank You.

Teaching throws me into this perpetual guilt cycle, but maybe that's just a mark of womanhood. Or a defective personality. Whatever the case may be, I feel that I can never do enough. I do not grade quickly enough. I do not enter those grades quickly enough. My lesson plans are not sparkly enough. I do not use fancy technology enough. But, you know what? My students are learning. When I grade those papers, I know exactly where my students are and need to be. I can see errors in sentence fluency or thesis construction or paragraph structure. I can tell who read the book and who faked it (poorly or well). Most importantly, those teenagers know that I show up for them, not the paycheck (meager as it may be). They know that, even when I look harried and frazzled, I love what I do. To them, that is enough.

It makes me feel connected to all of the moms out there. All of you wonderful mothers out there who feel that you do not do enough, your house is not Pinteresty enough, your meals are not all balanced enough, or that you, simply, are not enough need to consider a few things. Are your kids happy? Are they well-loved? Are they nurtured (not just physically but emotionally)? Are they safe? If your answers are yes, then you are doing just fine. You are doing enough. It doesn't matter how it looks on the outside as long as the insides are brimming with love. So enough mentally terrorizing yourself. Be kind to yourself, and your kids will learn to be kind to themselves. Heck, I'm with your teenagers for 50-90 minutes every day, and the love I exude for my profession in that tiny frame of time impacts those kids in a huge way. The love you pour into those impressionable souls makes more of a difference than you know.

Sure, we have our crappy days, our pity party days, our please-don't-make-me-leave-my-bed days, and that's okay because our sunshiny days, our let's-make-a-fort-in-the-living-room days, and our let's-color-one-more-picture days do a pretty good job of compensating.

So, why did I call this post what I called it?

Two weeks ago, I told my co-teacher, one of my very favorite humans, that I desperately needed a week off to collect myself. I was thinking about quitting. (For the record, anyone who teaches with me would never expect that statement to tumble out of my mouth.) The bureaucracy surrounding teaching at this very moment is staggeringly overwhelming. I thought year 8 would be "easier." Hard work, yes, but not so much housekeeping that I cannot focus on what's really important. Year 8 has brought even more paperwork. I needed a moment of separation in order to come back to center and realize why I'm in this profession. It's not the paperwork, it's not the county mandates, it's not the hours and hours of assessments. It's those kids. Those witty, sometimes obnoxious, often endearing kids. I knew I wouldn't take the break for myself just like you moms out there can't take a break when you want. That job is 24/7. However, this sickness knocked me on my ass. I had no choice. Usually, I force myself to keep pushing because I "have to," but my body broke. That's the unfortunate burden of having an autoimmune disorder. When one part breaks, all of the other parts want to commiserate with it, so everything is just horribly, frustratingly broken.

It's okay though. It gave me some time to think, to return to center, to collect myself. One day, during my medication-induced delirium, this sickness scared the hell out of me. I thought, "how could I do this and be a mom if and when the time comes? HOW?" And then it dawned on me: my husband. My family. My colleagues, my friends. That's how. Jeff cooked dinner every night. He went grocery shopping. He took out the dogs. He blew up the air mattress in the living room so that I could watch TV in between fits of slumber. He typed up a schedule for my medications so that I didn't overdose on Mucinex DM. He coordinated family members to be here and take care of me if he couldn't. Dad drove up to let out the dogs. My colleagues called in a sub for me, or subbed for me. One of them ran my midterm scantrons. My co-teacher graded all of the exams.

I keep thinking that I'd have to go at parenthood alone, which scares me out of wanting kids, but I now know that I wouldn't be alone. Those colleagues are my team, my friends. Those parents (and in-laws) of mine are part of my team. That beautiful man and I are a team. If I needed three days to fully fight off a sickness, these people would take care of me. Because that's what you do when you're not just a team, but a family.

So, thank you, sickness. You reminded me how supportive my loved ones are. You taught me to like beans. (Apparently, there are kinds that don't make you shart noxious fumes into your drawers and kill innocent bystanders.) You allowed me some time to heal, emotionally, of course. (You sort of kicked my ass physically, but that's okay. I even scored two snow days to ensure my full recovery.) Try not to come back so often especially not after the rescheduled root canal on Tuesday of next week. I'm appreciative and all, but I'm not opening the door to you.

Hmm, look at that. I guess this post was sort of an atypical telling of love.  I sure am gearing up for Valentine's Day.